lobbying – All Otsego




DUNCAN: Hospitals Posting Prices? When You’re Sick, It Doesn’t Matter

LETTER from R. SCOTT DUNCAN Hospitals Posting Prices? When You’re Sick, It Doesn’t Matter To the Editor: As I was driving along listening to NPR talking about hospitals now being required to post prices for services. I thought: That is all the hospital needs, more hoops to jump through for the government. I looked on the Internet to find out more details. “The Trump Administration…announced it would begin forcing hospitals to publicly disclose the discounted prices they negotiate with insurance…



Column by Adrian Kuzminski for July 13, 2018 OPEN LETTER TO ANTONIO DELGADO Fight Faso Over Big Money In Politics Congratulations on winning the Democratic nomination for Congress in New York’s 19th Congressional District. You’ve got a tough fight ahead against a smooth and wily opponent. I’m one of many who would like to see Representative John Faso defeated. He is a bought and paid for ex-lobbyist with big hardcore far right support. The Mercer family, investors in Breitbart News…