local housing – All Otsego


local housing


Public Hearing Set for March 7

Public Hearing Set for March 7 Lake Street Permit To Be Considered By CASPAR EWIGCOOPERSTOWN At 5 p.m. on March 7, the Cooperstown Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider an application for a special use permitting short-term rentals to exist on the property at 40 Lake Street. The original application, heard on February 7, was tabled to determine whether the 400-foot-radius of notification to adjacent property owners had been completed as required. The home in…


Trustees Hear Housing Development Proposal

Trustees Hear Housing Development Proposal COOPERSTOWNCooperstown’s Board of Trustees heard the summary of a zoning application by Templeton Foundation on behalf of Bassett Healthcare from Joseph Piraino and Scott Freeman of Keplinger Freeman Associates, a landscape architectural and land planning firm based in East Syracuse, during their monthly meeting on November 28. Templeton Foundation representatives Kendra Beers-Capraro and Bob Zaleski were also present and gave information on the proposed housing development. Surveys were completed amongst hospital staff to decide which…