Lou Allstadt – All Otsego


Lou Allstadt



170 PARTICIPANTS HEAR MANY IDEAS FOR FUEL FUTURE Chamber’s Rubin: Exciting Information Exchanged, But ‘Now The Work Begins’ By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – In the end, 170 – up from 125 a week ago, and 155 a couple of days ago – today listened for eight hours to presentations on the United States’ – and Otsego County’s – energy future from some of the most knowledgeable people in New York State. The venue was the Otsego County…


Private Life Beckons To Lou Allstadt

Private Life Beckons To Lou Allstadt He Leaves Cooperstown Village Board, But Stays Involved In Public Affairs By JIM KEVLIN COOPERSTOWN ‘It’s been my longest job – at the lowest pay,” former Mobil Oil executive vice president Lou Allstadt told his colleagues Monday, Jan. 28, in resigning from the Village Board. Resigning, but it doesn’t mean he’s exactly retiring.…


So Far, 125 Sign Up For Energy Summit, With Limit Of 200

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER With Week To Go, Energy Summit Fills 125 Of Its 200 Seats Seeking ‘Balanced Agenda,’ 19 Speakers Planned; Day Expands From 6 To 9 Hours COOPERSTOWN – With a week to go, 125 people have already signed up for the Otsego County Chamber’s “Energy Summit: Infrastructure & Economy,” and the day has expanded from the original six hours to a nine-hour program to accommodate a growing roster of speakers. Planned Thursday, Jan. 31, at The Otesaga,…


Incumbent Trustees Endorsed

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Incumbent Trustees Endorsed Editor’s Note: Here are two final Letters to the Editor endorsing candidates in the upcoming Cooperstown village elections.  The polls will be open noon-9 p.m. Tuesday, March 21, at the fire hall on Chestnut Street. Katz: Allstadt, Tillapaugh ‘Incredible’ Trustees Blabey Praises Intelligent Management, Vision…


Editor’s Note:  This posting of letters on divesting fossil fuels led to today’s column in the New York Times, “Once an Oil Executive, Now a Crusader Against Fossil Fuel Stocks,” by James B. Stewart.  A number of readers have asked for the link, so here it is again. The Cooperstown Debate DIVESTING FOSSIL-FUEL STOCKS VILLAGE CASTS OUT FOSSIL-FUEL STOCKS News Article The Freeman’s Journal, Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 • Base Pension-Fund Decisions On Unbiased, Impartial Expertise Op-Ed by DAVID RUSSELL The…


Allstadt, Russell Fossil-Fuel Debate Topic Of Column In New York Times

Allstadt, Russell Fossil-Fuel Debate Topic Of Column In New York Times COOPERSTOWN – Under the headline, “Much Ado in Cooperstown, N.Y., Over Vote to Dump Fossil Fuel Stocks,” New York Times business columnist James B. Stewart has assessed the multi-week debate in The Freeman’s Journal/Hometown Oneonta between Lou Allstadt and David Russell on the Village Board’s decision to divest fossil-fuel stocks from one of its pension portfolios. “The trustees of Cooperstown, N.Y., hardly expected their village (population 1,834) to emerge…