“Love Unknown” – All Otsego


"Love Unknown"


‘Love Unknown’ Travisano’s Elizabeth Bishop Biography Is Pinnacle Of 45 Years Of Scholarship

COLUMN ‘Love Unknown’ Travisano’s Elizabeth Bishop Biography Is Pinnacle Of 45 Years Of Scholarship By ROBERT BENSEN •  Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – Randall Jarrell (a friend of Elizabeth Bishop) said that a poet is one who, in a lifetime of standing out in thunderstorms, manages to get struck by lightning six or seven times. It doesn’t work that way. And don’t try it at home. And don’t let your kids try it either. But Jarrell’s outlandish savvy underscores one…


A SECRET REVEALED ‘Love Unknown’ Explores Traumatized Poet’s Struggle

A SECRET REVEALED ‘Love Unknown’ Explores Traumatized Poet’s Struggle By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – Tom Travisano is the top expert on Elizabeth Bishop, ever since falling in love with her work while taking a Contemporary Poetry course at the University of Virginia in 1975. “She was the poet who really jumped out to me,” he remembers. Several of his nine books dealt with her, from “Midcentury Quartet” (1999), exploring Bishop along with Robert Lowell, Randall Jarrell…