Mac Benton – All Otsego


Mac Benton

Trustee Urging Colleagues: Back Marijuana Stores

Trustee Urging Colleagues: Back Marijuana Stores Benton: Embrace New Opportunity By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Village Trustee Mac Benton said today he’s asked his fellow trustees not to “opt out” of hosting marijuana retailers in Main Street “store fronts,” as may be enabled in legislation moving “very quickly” in the state Legislature. “It’s going to be great for businesses, it’s going to be great for farmers, it’s going to be great for racial justice,” said Benton,…


‘Mac’ Benton Steps Back From Challenging Marietta

‘Mac’ Benton Steps Back From Challenging Marietta In Exchange, Incumbent Will Support Trustee As His County Board Successor By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Village Trustee MacGuire Benton has decided not to challenge fellow Democrat Andy Marietta for the county board’s Cooperstown/Town of Otsego seat. An email the two men sent today to members of the county Democratic Committee says “we have come to the conclusion that there is much more that we agree on than  which…


Mac Benton Is Joining Cooperstown Distillery

Mac Benton Is Joining Cooperstown Distillery Trustee Resigns From Elections Post COOPERSTOWN – MacGuire Benton announced a few minutes ago he is resigning as assistant Democratic elections commissioner at the Otsego County Board of Elections to join Cooperstown Distillery. Benton, a Cooperstown village trustee, said he’s joining the growing company as the New York Brand Ambassador, working on strategic sales to expand the distillery’s brands across the Empire State. He said he will continue to live in Cooperstown, “and plan…