madison hayes – All Otsego


madison hayes


Cooperstown Rotary names Catherine Black Scholarship recipient

Cooperstown Rotary Names Catherine Black Scholarship recipient The Cooperstown Rotary Foundation is pleased to announce that CCS graduate, Madison Hayes, is the recipient of the 2022 Catherine Black Scholarship. Madison was acknowledged at this year’s CCS Commencement Ceremony on June 26th and received the $1200 scholarship at the July 5th Rotary luncheon at The Otesaga. Madison along with her parents Tim and Lindsay Hayes were guests of the Foundation at the Rotary meeting and were joined by Madison’s grandfather, Rotarian…


CCS Thespians bring live musical back to the stage

CCS Thespians bring live musical back to the stage By TED POTRIKUS • Special to Kenneth Grahame’s beloved book “The Wind in the Willows” comes to life on stage when the Cooperstown Central School’s CCS Thespians open a weekend’s worth of performances beginning November 12. “This is a huge undertaking, but we’re so excited,” said CCS music teacher and show director Tim Iversen. “We planned on a different show but we wanted to get as many people on stage…