magic flute – All Otsego


magic flute


The Glimmerglass adapts: Festival performances to begin Thursday, July 15, with Mozart’s ‘The Magic Flute’

The Glimmerglass adapts: Festival performances to begin Thursday, July 15, with Mozart’s ‘The Magic Flute’ The Glimmerglass Festival, home to the summer opera and other theater, will open Thursday, July 15 with “The Magic Flute” by Mozart. The festival will have outdoor performances on a specially built stage, in order to accommodate COVID-19 restrictions. Francesca Zambello, Festival artistic and general director said in a me dia release that the theater “reimagined” the Glimmerglass experience in order to safely showcase their…



OPERA WEEKEND ARRIVES ‘Flute,’ ‘Macbeth,’ ‘Cato,’ ‘Candide’ Performed Lakeside This is one of two summer weekends when all four of the Glimmerglass Festival’s productions are performed in the Alice Busch Opera Theatre on Otsego Lake.  Below are reviews of this year’s productions by Pat Thorpe for The Freeman’s Journal (Cooperstown’s newspaper) and Hometown Oneonta,’s sister publications. New Mozart ‘Flute’ ‘Completely Magical’ Big Choruses Bolster Leads In ‘Macbeth’ ‘Cato’ Buoys Reputation For Baroque ‘Candide’ Overcomes ‘Relentless Tinkering’ Check for the SCHEDULE…

New Mozart ‘Flute’ ‘Completely Magical’

New Mozart ‘Flute’ ‘Completely Magical’ Review by PAT THORPE for “The Marriage of Figaro,” “Don Giovanni,” “Cosi fan Tutti” – in five years, Mozart and collaborator Lorenzo Da Ponte produced one hit show after another and changed the shape of opera forever. But by 1791, Da Ponte was gone and Mozart began working with friend and fellow Freemason Emmanuel Schikaneder on a comic fairy tale for the general public, not just the Viennese elite, a return to the singspiel…

Chief Uncas’ Direct Descendant Directing Glimmerglass’ ‘Flute’

Chief Uncas’ Direct Descendant Directing Glimmerglass’ ‘Flute’ COOPERSTOWN – Last summer, Madeline Sayet visited Glimmerglass’ environs for the first time, hiking into the woods with designers Troy Hourie (sets) and Kaye Voyce (costumes). They came upon a clearing.  “There must have been a fire,” said Sayet, who, a direct descendant of the Mohegans’ great chief Uncas, is as close to a Native American princess as anyone these days.  “All the trees were isolated and singular.  And we said:  That’s Sarastro’s work.  The…