maintenance – All Otsego




County Office Building Shut for Repairs

County Office Building Shut for Repairs According to David Bliss, Chair of the Otsego County Board, the Otsego County Office building at 197 Main St., Cooperstown, will be closed for repairs on Wednesday, February 16, for repairs following a water main break in the building. Normal emergency closure procedures are being followed. The building is expected to reopen Thursday, February 17 pending completion of the repairs.…


DUNCAN: Trenches Along Roadways Still Dangerous To Drivers

LETTER from R. RICHARD DUNCAN Trenches Along Roadways Still Dangerous To Drivers To the Editor: “Slip sliding away…” Her car slid toward the side of the road. It caught in the trench and flipped. She was hurt and her car totaled. She is scared to drive again. But she knows she must go out and find a new car and force herself to try again. It wasn’t her fault. If the sides of the roads were done properly she would…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 Hip-Hopera Premiers Locally HIP-HOP OPERA – 7 p.m. See the world premier of “Stomping Grounds,” a show that blends hip-hop and opera to tell a story about survivors of gentrification, the disruption of sacred land, and the fracturing of tradition and history by contemporary realities. Cooperstown Farmers Market. Info, SCHOOL PROJECT INFORMATION – 6 p.m. Oneonta City School District presents plan for the maintenance of the school. Followed by question and answer session. District…