marilyn roper – All Otsego


marilyn roper


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: ‘Teddy Goes on a Trip’ Community Concert 08-15-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 ‘Teddy Goes on a Trip’ Community Concert COMMUNITY CONCERT – 3 p.m. Bring out the kids (and their teddy’s) for free concert ‘Teddy Goes On a Trip,’ held in memory of Marilyn Roper, principal flutist and band president from 2001 to her death in October 2020. Program will include ‘The Children’s March,’ ‘Pixar Movie Magic,’ ‘Cartoon Symphony,’ more. Under the Pavilion, Wilber Park, Oneonta. 607-376-7485 or visit…


Best Bets: August 12, 2021

Best Bets August 12, 2021 Summer Music Festival returns, Hartwick to host tractor pull The Cooperstown Summer Music Festival is back with the Grammy -nominated wind quintet “Imani Winds.” They are known for dynamic playing, adventurous programming and outreach programs, which have inspired audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The cost is $30/person. At The Otesaga in Cooperstown at 7 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 15. Call 877-666-7421 or visit for information.…