marketing – All Otsego




Cars in Philly, NYC, Boston beckon visitors to Cooperstown

Cars in Philly, NYC, Boston beckon visitors to Cooperstown Cooperstown native Colleen Canyon was walking along Bergan Line Avenue in Union City, New Jersey, last weekend when she spied a black sedan across the street emblazoned with a logo that caught her eye. “It stood out,” she said of the white-on-black car-wrap advertisement for – the online arm of the Otsego County’s tourism office. “I saw the car across the street and went over and asked the driver about…


Menthol marketing

Menthol marketing Editor’s note: This column appears in the 2/24/22 print editions of The Freeman’s Journal and Hometown Oneonta. Its author, Jennifer Hill, is the Community Engagement Coordinator for Tobacco-Free Communities: Delaware, Otsego & Schoharie. Seventy years ago, the tobacco industry launched an aggressive marketing campaign to persuade African Americans to smoke menthol cigarettes. The industry endeared themselves to Black communities by being among the first white-led businesses to hire African Americans for executive positions and use Black models, actors,…


The great outdoors is the focus of an ad campaign to tempt tourists

The great outdoors is the focus of an ad campaign to tempt tourists STAFF REPORT • Special to A new advertising campaign by, which is managed by Destination Marketing Corporation, has a focus on outdoor activities with the intention of drawing people to the area post-pandemic. The website, which now has a page called ‘Get Outside’, will have links to trails, playgrounds and boat rentals among other things.…


DEAN: To Succeed, Otsego County Must Be Known

Column by James Dean, May 11, 2018 To Succeed, Otsego County Must Be Known Editor’s Note: James R. Dean, the Cooperstown village trustee, has been proprietor of New York Custom Curved Wood Stair Railings & Handrailings locally since 1973. In last week’s Part I, he analyzed out economic-development challenges we face. This week, Part II offers solutions. So what is the plan? Almost everything that has been done so far to increase our population and business base, while very good,…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15 Learn The Power Of E-mail MARKETING SEMINAR – 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The Winter Educational Seminar Series presents “The Power of E-mail Marketing.” Cost, $12 per person includes lunch. Bullpen Theater, Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown. Info,!event/2017/2/15/the-power-of-email-marketing LECTURE SERIES – 6:30-8 p.m. Be Informed. Dan Sullivan, Mohawk Valley Economic Development District, presents “How you can make an impact using clean energy” on what clean energy is and how you and your municipality can get involved in programs…