martin tillapaugh – All Otsego


martin tillapaugh

Happenin’ Otsego: 09-25-24

HISTORICAL SOCIETY—6:30 p.m. “Funeral Traditions Through The Years.” Presented by Martin Tillapaugh. Followed by light refreshments and monthly meeting of the Fly Creek Area Historical Society at 7:30 p.m. Fly Creek Grange, 208 Cemetery Road, Fly Creek. Visit…


Trustees Pondering Culverts, ‘Heroes’ Banners, Sign Law

The two most-discussed topics at the Cooperstown Village Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, August 26 had trustees looking both low and high across the village landscape. On the one hand was an issue related to amending a Special Use Permit in order to allow the construction of dwellings over a stream and culvert on a private property in the village. On the other hand was whether to pursue a request made by interested parties to update village law in…


Averill Road Parties Have Day in Court

Averill Road Parties Have Day in Court Templeton Foundation To Proceed with Geotechnical Testing Contingent Upon DEC Compliance By DARLA M. YOUNGSWAMPSVILLE Following 90 minutes of oral argument on Thursday, April 6, Madison County Supreme Court Justice Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan has determined that the Templeton Foundation can move forward with geotechnical testing on its property at Averill Road in Cooperstown, in order to understand the subsurface conditions of the potential development site. However, in order to do so, Templeton…


Averill Road Case To Be Heard Next Thursday

Averill Road Case To Be HeardNext Thursday By DARLA M. YOUNGSWAMPSVILLE On Thursday, March 23, Madison County Supreme Court Justice Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan issued a temporary restraining order preventing Templeton Foundation or its agents from any further on-site work at the foundation’s property on Averill Road in the Village of Cooperstown. An order to show cause is a court order or the demand of a judge requiring a party to justify or explain why the court should or should not grant a motion or a relief,…


Cooperstown will halt enforcement of mask ordinance

Cooperstown will halt enforcement of mask ordinance By Greg Klein • Special to COOPERSTOWN – The village of Cooperstown will stop enforcing its mask mandate as it waits for the state to rescind Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive orders on the coronavirus pandemic. The village’s Board of Trustees debated the issue at the end of a three-hour meeting Monday, May 24, in the village board room at 22 Main St., but decided against calling a public hearing on revoking the…


Despite Village Atty’s Warning, Trustees Vote To Fly Pride Flag

DEBATE AT 22 MAIN Despite Village Atty’s Warning, Trustees Vote To Fly Pride Flag By JENNIFER HILL • Special to COOPERSTOWN – A month after voting unanimously to fly the Pride Flag on the flagpole next June, village trustees once again debated and, in the end, affirmed their decision. “I gave every member of this board every opportunity to table this motion,” said Trustee MacGuire Benton, who introduced the resolution at the board’s July meeting.  “For any vote you…


Cooperstown Adopts New Short Term Rental Law

Cooperstown Adopts  Short-Term Rental Law COOPERSTOWN – Before a crowd too large to be seated in the board room, village trustees this evening unanimously adopted a controversial short-term rental law, aimed at better controlling the spread of tourist accommodations. Near the end of a self-imposed moratorium on short-term rentals, scheduled to last until March, the law is structured to discourage non-resident parties from investing in and renting out properties in Cooperstown. “It seems like we’re just creating false barriers here,”…