Mary Margaret Robbins – All Otsego


Mary Margaret Robbins


Voters Seek To Break Tie For Village Trustee

POLLS OPEN NOON-9 P.M. Voters Seek To Break Tie For Village Trustee COOPERSTOWN – Polls will be open noon-9 p.m. today at the fire hall on Chestnut Street to resolve a nailbiter. Village of Cooperstown voters will vote to break a 272-272 tie between incumbent Democrat MacGuire Benton and challenger Mary-Margaret Robbins, a Republican. After the Tuesday, Sept. 15, village election, delayed from Wednesday, March 18, due to the coronavirus, Benton and Robbins opted for a runoff election instead of…


Mary-Margaret Robbins Has Brains, Courage, Kindliness

LETTER from PATSY SMITH Mary-Margaret Robbins Has Brains, Courage, Kindliness To the Editor: I feel strongly that I do endorse the candidacy of Mary-Margaret Robbins for village trustee. I have known Mary-Margaret for a long time, and I admire her brain power, as well as her kindness to others and her guts. Most of us knew her when she was a pharmacists at CVS. Unfortunately, she had to retire from that job to take care of her health. Today she…


HAGE: Mary-Margaret Would Let All Be Heard

LETTER from CHUCK HAGE Mary-Margaret Robbins Would Let All Be Heard To the Editor: Do a favor to your neighbors and yourself by voting for Mary-Margaret Robbins for trustee of the Village of Cooperstown. She is a fine person, conscientious about everything she does. As a trustee, she would serve all constituents faithfully and productively. She brings to the table a pleasant spirit of cooperation, a sound sense of priorities, and a deep desire for all voices to be heard.…


NORTHRUP: Robbins Like GOP Of Yesteryear

LETTER from CHIP NORTHRUP Robbins Like GOP Of Yesteryear To the Editor: The last time I wrote a letter supporting a Republican was for Gov. Jeb Bush, which was published as a guest editorial in the Manchester Union Leader during the primaries. What a better world it would be if a capable guy like Jeb had won. Lordy. I am not a resident of New York State so I can’t vote here, but I do live here much of the…


Tied, Benton, Robbins Face Sept. 29 Runoff

Tied, Benton, Robbins Face Sept. 29 Runoff By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Election Night in Cooperstown Tuesday, Sept. 15, was a nail-biter, ending with a 272-272 tie and setting up a runoff election for next Tuesday the 29th. The runoff is between Democratic incumbent MacGuire Benton and Republican newcomer Mary-Margaret Robbins. Polls will again be open noon-9 p.m. at the fire hall. This week, the candidates were asked to provide a final statement to village voters.…


MacMILLAN: Robbins Offers Fresh Outlook

LETTER from ROGER MACMILLIAN Robbins Offers Fresh Outlook To the Editor: I wish to clearly support the candidacy of Mary- Margaret Robbins for trustee of the Village of Cooperstown. She is forthright, inventive, courageous and smart, having no hidden agendas. Her allegiance is to Cooperstown, not any political party, though she does have bipartisan support! Further, she has the maturity and circumspection to not support flying the rainbow flag from the village flagpole. She represents the opportunity to add another…


WALLER: Former Mayor Backs Robbins’ Bid

LETTER from CAROL BATEMAN WALLER Former Mayor Backs Robbins’ Bid To the Editor: On Tuesday, Sept. 29, we again have the opportunity to choose who represents us on the Cooperstown Village Board. With the marvelous turnout this past week, I hope everyone will return to the polls or to their absentee ballots and cast their votes. This is how our local govern-ment works. I urge you to vote, and vote for a person who will represent us, the village residents…



CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE MARY-MARGARET ROBBINS OFFICE: COOPERSTOWN VILLAGE TRUSTEE ELECTION DAY: Noon-9 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 29, Cooperstown fire hall EDUCATION: Professional Pharmacist Albany College of Pharmacy PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Pharmacist for 20-plus years in Cooperstown and throughout the state – management, training and recruiting experience. Working with state agencies. Medicare specialist – provided information and training to groups and individuals. Owner of year-’round housing rental with focus on giving young workers and longtime residents a place to live. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Susquehanna SPCA, Angel Network,…