Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns – All Otsego


Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns


Governor Delays Village Elections

LOCAL VOTE POSTPONED Governor Delays Village Elections New Vote April 28, Same Day As Demo Presidential Primary Governor Cuomo early this evening delayed all village elections in New York State until April 28, the same day as the statewide Democratic Presidential Primary. “Delaying village elections will help ensure poll workers and voters are not potentially exposed to the virus and at the same time maintain integrity in our election system,” Cuomo said. Many such races are uncontested, but in the…


Debate Keeps Turning Back To Main Street

Debate Keeps Turning Back To Main Street 2 Democrats, GOP Challenger Joust As 3/18 Elections Near By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – It was the bluntest opinion of this evening, on what to do about the former CVS at 100 Main St., the downtown centerpiece now vacant for three years. “They never should have allowed CVS to leave Main Street,” declared village trustee candidate Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns in response to a question from Jay Bosley, a…


MacMILLAN: Village Candidate Approachable, Intelligent – No Hidden Agendas

LETTER from ROGER MacMILLAN Village Candidate Approachable, Intelligent – No Hidden Agendas To the Editor: I wish to strongly support the candidacy of Mary Margaret Robbins for village trustee in the coming election. A certified and licensed pharmacist, many will recall her from the years she spent at the CVS pharmacy when it was located on Main Street. Having been a resident of Cooperstown for many years she has the vision and dedication to conserve our heritage. Despite her most…


Republicans May Dent Democratic Blue Wall

Republicans May Dent Democratic Blue Wall Village Hall Solidly One-Party Since 2012; Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns May End That By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns, whose years-long battle against Lyme Disease, culminating in a heart transplant last summer, inspired the community, is contending to be the first Republican elected to the Village Board since 2010. With two open seats in the Wednesday, March 18, election, she will be contending against two incumbent Democrats,…