Maureen Dill – All Otsego


Maureen Dill


Editorial: Putting the Community Back Intothe Newspaper

Our motto here at “The Freeman’s Journal” and “Hometown Oneonta” is “putting the community back into the newspaper.” Whether you read our hard-copy newspapers or subscribe to our website,, we believe it is important to not only cover the news of Otsego County, but also to provide a forum by which its residents can contribute their own views and expertise.…


The Partial Observer: The Last Roundup

As the result of the massive financial and reputational blows caused by ongoing litigation in recent years concerning Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup, the German pharmaceutical giant Bayer has merged with Monsanto, the largest producer of genetically-engineered seeds. Bayer has assured that the politically-charged name “Monsanto” will be disappearing, while product names will remain the same.…


The Partial Observer: Tick-borne Diseases on the Rise Here

The Partial Observer from Maureen Dill Tick-borne Diseases on the Rise Here According to Cornell University’s “Tick Talk” Community Education Program, tick-borne diseases have become a significant public health issue in New York State, with numerous tick species and diseases currently spreading within the region. This year, a Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Summit was held on September 28 and 29 under the auspices of the State University of New York Upstate Medical University in Syracuse and the Central New York…


Dill: Tick-borne Illness Continues to Rise

It’s about time. We’ve been trying to sound the alarm for more than four years, when we found it necessary to “educate” our physicians about the threat of tick-borne illnesses. At my sister’s insistence, one doctor at a local hospital investigated the possibility that her ailment might be due to a tick bite—in particular, anaplasmosis. After learning all about it, he contacted her to inform her that she indeed did have anaplasmosis.…


The Partial Observer: Smart Meters Coming Soon, But Are They Safe?

The Partial Observer by Maureen Dill Smart Meters Coming Soon, But Are They Safe? Most homeowners are familiar with the analog meters provided by utility companies, read monthly or bi-monthly by an employee of the company. Smart meters, on the other hand, are two-way communication devices that use technology—radiofrequency waves, a form of electromagnetic radiation energy—to transmit energy consumption data to a central computer at the utility company. According to NYSEG, smart meters will roll out here in our county…


Dill: Cannabis Tax Revenue Crossroads Solution

Letter from Maureen Dill Cannabis Tax Revenue Crossroads Solution To borrow a headline from a recent news report, we here in rural Otsego County are indeed “at the crossroads,” with a growing shortfall in emergency medical services across our county and the reported decline in volunteer EMS workers. New York State itself is at the crossroads and state government must be urged to seize the opportunity to apply cannabis tax revenues where they are most needed, as has been done…