Maureen Dill – Page 2 – All Otsego


Maureen Dill - Page 2


DILL: Why do we treat sick people so poorly?

LETTER from MAUREEN DILL Why do we treat sick people so poorly? Recently, a friend and former colleague was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently hospitalized on Florida’s West Coast. Her initial surgical procedure was radical and she underwent many rounds of chemotherapy. She reached out to me by phone from her hospital bed two weeks ago to say she was anxious to obtain a second opinion regarding her condition and prognosis. Her physician and “hospitalist” were repeatedly rude and abrupt,…


DILL: Know Where RXs Come From 

LETTER from MAUREEN DILL Americans Should Know Where RXs Come From To the Editor: I’m writing to you about my concerns regarding the fact that the majority of our prescription medications (as much as 90 percent, I’ve been told) are manufactured outside of the U.S. – primarily in China and India. Many of us are interested in “sustainability,” and this, I believe, is related to our sustainable future! Having “Googled” this subject, I’ve also read that the welfare of the…


DILL: County Planner Sullivan Always Went Extra Mile

LETTER from MAUREEN DILL County Planner Sullivan Always Went Extra Mile To the Editor: Karen Sullivan and her predecessor Terry Bliss were amazing leaders and expert planners. Otsego County was lucky to have them. I had the pleasure of knowing and working with them during my role as flood recovery coordinator from 2006 to 2008 and, as I recall, it was through Karen’s efforts that flood victims who had lost their homes to the flood were able to benefit from…