The Village of Milford is participating in Operation Green Light for Veterans. Starting on Monday, October 23, residents and business owners can receive free green light bulbs at the Village Offices until supplies are depleted.…
from BRIAN POKORNY Under New Milford Plan, Landlords Must Live In Shortterm Rental Houses To the Editor: After almost two years of collecting data and receiving input from Village of Milford residents, the Village Planning/Zoning Board presented an updated version of the village’s Comprehensive Plan to the Village Board to be voted on. The proposed plan was adopted on April 1, and the Village Board voted 3-0 in favor of the changes. In addition to the comprehensive plan being updated, the village zoning laws were…
MILFORD MAYOR: CONSERVE WATER Village Wells Low, Pokorny Says MILFORD – Village Mayor Brian Porkony issued a voluntary water conservation notice this morning “due to low water levels in the village wells.” “Until further notice,” he asked residents to:…
PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:30 MONDAY Village Of Milford Considering Short-Term Rentals Moratorium MILFORD – Reflecting the same concerns debated in Cooperstown in recent weeks, the Village of Milford is planning a hearing on a temporary moratorium on short-term rentals at 6:30 p.m. Monday the 22nd in the Village Office, 64 South Main St. The village is not opposed to short-term rentals during the summer to Dreams Park families and other visitors, said Mayor Brian Pokorny. However, he added, residents have…
‘Survivor’ Art Boden’s Story Buoys County Relay For Life After sharing his story of survival and endurance when cancer struck at age 49, Art Boden, popular manager of New York Pizza in Coopertown, leads cancer survivors on the first lap of the Otsego County Relay for Life this morning at Milford’s Wilber Park. To the left of Art is Allison Wilber, the Relay leader this year. Boden’s family, dad Art Jr. (Art himself is III), stepdaughter Brianna Brass, daughter Emily…