meg hungerford – All Otsego


meg hungerford


Council Asked To Spend $44.5K To Fill Meg Hungerford’s Shoes

Council Asked To Spend $44.5K To Fill Meg Hungerford’s Shoes ONEONTA – In a late resolution released a few minutes ago, Common Council will be asked this evening to authorize up to $44,500 to fulfill city Finance Director Meg L. Hungerford’s duties until her successor can be recruited. Of that, $10,000, at an hourly rate of $150, would be for Hungerford to be available on a consulting basis when she assumes her new responsibilities as Walton Central School finance director. …


Meg Hungerford Resigns As Oneonta Finance Director

TWICE CONSIDERED FOR TOP JOB Meg Hungerford Resigns As City Finance Director By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www. ONEONTA – Meg Hungerford, City Hall’s finance director who was twice considered for city manager during her decade here, has resigned, according to City Manager George Korthauer. The resignation is effective at the end of the month. The East Merideth resident has accepted a position as the business manager of the Walton Central School District. “Our loss is Walton’s gain,”…


Mayor Herzig Appoints Comprehensive Plan Committee

Mayor Appoints Committee To Revise City’s Comp Plan By LIBBY CUDMORE Special to ONEONTA – Council member Russ Southard, Sixth Ward, Greater Oneonta Historical Society Executive Director Bob Brzozowski, developer Seth Clark and Destination Oneonta’s Rachel Jessup were all named this evening to the Steering Committee to update the city’s comprehensive master plan. “This is the group that will facilitate the update to the 2007 comprehensive plan, incorporating the City’s vision, addressing the railyards and the Downtown Revitalization Initiative,” said Mayor…


Meg Hungerford Steps Down As Acting City Manager

Hungerford Steps Down As Acting City Manager ONEONTA – Meg Hungerford announced her resignation, effective May 31, from the position of acting city manager during an executive session at the end of last night’s Common Council meeting. She said she will continue in her other position, as City Hall’s finance director. “Meg has done an extraordinary job, often filling in for three people,” said Mayor Gary Herzig.  “But it often required her to work nights and weekends, and it had…



COUNCIL CONSIDERS PAYING $123,620 TO HUNGERFORD ONEONTA – When it meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Common Council will consider a motion to give Acting City Manager Meg Hungerford a stipend that will raise her interim pay level higher than either of the city’s first two city managers. According to the agenda released this afternoon, the motion is for a stipend of $39,074.  That is in addition to her finance director salary of $79,546, plus $5,000 extra she received after charter…


Council Declines Proposed Stipend For Acting City Manager Meg Hungerford

Council Fails To Gain Majority To Approve Hungerford Stipend ONEONTA – With her allies – Council members Mike Lynch and Larry Malone – absent from this evening’s Common Council meeting, a motion to give Acting City Manager Meg Hungerford a $31,771 stipend failed for lack of a majority. The vote in favor of the stipend was 4-2, with  Dave Rissberger and Bob Brzozowski voting no.  Rissberger specifically cited budget concerns.   “This isn’t a reflection on the job Meg is doing,”…


Raise Considered For Acting City Manager

Raise Considered For Acting City Manager ONEONTA – Common Council will consider giving City Finance Director Meg Hungerford a $31,771 raise while she serves as acting city manager until a successor is found to Martin Murphy, who left city employ in July. The item was the topic of a “supplemental agenda” to the agenda for Tuesday evening’s regular council meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in City Hall.…