mental health – All Otsego


mental health


The Partial Observer: Building a Strong, Balanced Community in Oneonta

The City of Oneonta’s request to RSS to consider developing 27 Market Street is not the first time this organization has been called upon to step up. In the 1980s, Mayor Brenner sought our help in providing housing and support services for residents being deinstitutionalized. We have invested in this community for more than 30 years, utilizing our knowledge of the housing market and resources as a non-profit developer.…


Researcher Releases Detailed Look at Rural Mental Health

Researcher Releases Detailed Look at Rural Mental Health By TED MEBUST What are the unique aspects of rural communities and culture that may contribute to mental health concerns and increased risk of suicide in rural New York? What factors contribute to positive mental health and well-being?  How do community members seek help for behavioral health concerns, and what factors influence these help-seeking preferences? How can rural communities—individually and as a whole—improve availability, awareness, access, and utilization of mental health services, resources,…


NOTEWORTHY: Asking for, Offering Support are Skillsets We Can Re-learn

News from the Noteworthy Asking for, Offering Support are Skillsets We Can Re-learn In my last “News from the Noteworthy” column, I wrote about the wellbeing struggles that are keenly felt across the workforce. I shared the results of a recent survey where business leaders, managers, and supervisors told us they are spending an average of 39 percent of their time on issues such as employee burnout, fatigue, stress, anxiety, mental health, and substance misuse issues. That number went up…


Mental health emergency number coming in July

Mental health emergency 988 number coming in July By: Bill Hayes LCSW-R (ret.), NAMI Delaware and Otsego [Editor’s note: Bill Hayes submitted this important column with details about the new ‘988’ telephone number for mental health emergencies.] In mid-July, there will be a new option for getting help with urgent mental health situations. While 911 will continue to be the key number to call for medical and crime emergencies, a different number will connect callers to a specialist in mental…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Jazz Music with the Old Masters 04-19-22

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, APRIL 19 Jazz Music with the Old Masters JAZZ PERFORMANCE – 7 p.m. Celebrate Jazz month with performances by local musicians. This week features a performance by the Old Masters (Dan Martin on the Trombone, Thomas Ives on the Bass, and Dan Sales on the Guitar). Free, open to the public. Cooperstown Art Association. 607-547-9777 or visit BLOOD DRIVE – Noon – 5 p.m. Otsego County Office of Emergency Services, 140 Co. Hwy. 33W, Cooperstown.…


COVID era brings new mental health issues

COVID era brings new mental health issues By Kevin Limiti • Special to Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, and more recently with the emergence of the Delta variant, people have been forced to change their lifestyles in order to stay safe and healthy. While the prolonged effects of social distancing are unclear, in Otsego County there are clear statistics regarding the effects these changes have had on the mental health of its residents. According to the Otsego County Department of…


ATWELL: Minnie Undrowned Again

LETTER from JIM ATWELL Minnie Undrowned Again Grandma hung up the telephone. “Mrs. Halpine from down the street. She’s forwarding a message from your Grandpa and Uncle Tom.” “They’re standing on the pier with boat hooks snagged in Minnie Frederick’s coat collar, holding her head above water. She’s screeching protests.” Grandma gave a snort. “I’d say, let her sink! Minnie puts on this show every November. Well, let’s see how she does without an audience!”…


Stressed By COVID? Bassett Adds Mental Health Hotline

Stressed By COVID? Bassett Opens New Mental Health Hotline By ELIZABETH COOPER • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Bassett Healthcare wants everyone to know that they do not have to feel alone if they are feeling stress about the Coronavirus crisis. The hospital network has now created a hotline for anyone who needs help handling the pressures and concerns of these unusual times. “Many people, although they may have family members in the area and are staying in touch, still feel…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, MAY 13 Meet The Veterans Club OPEN HOUSE – Noon-3 p.m. Talk to representatives of The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, The Ladies Axiliaries, Amvets, Sons of the the American Legion, and others. Cooperstown Veterans Club, 60 Main St., Cooperstown. GARDEN PARTY – 1-4 p.m. Treat Mom to a garden party that includes tea and treats on the veranda, a maypole and live music for dancing, activities, and a first look at a new exhibit by…