
michael forster rothbart


Residents Oppose Tax Hike, Request More Transparency

The November 19 Oneonta Common Council meeting attracted about 25 concerned citizens, the equivalent of a full house. There were 20 motions on the agenda. The council debated various issues for more than four hours. Just before 10 p.m., the council approved the proposed 2025 budget and voted to exceed the tax cap. By this time, only three members of the audience remained. Two were city employees, Brian Knapp, the fire chief, and Chris Yacobucci, director of Public Works.…


SUNY lecture looks at ‘The 57 Bus’ incident

SUNY lecture looks at ‘The 57 Bus’ incident By MICHAEL FORSTER ROTHBART • Special to ONEONTA — At 18, Sasha Fleischman was lit on fire while riding the bus home from school in Oakland. Fleischmann is gender non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. They fell asleep, and another teen, Richard Thomas, lit their skirt as a prank. Thomas was arrested at school; Fleischmann was hospitalized for weeks with severe third-degree burns. Dashka Slater, a journalist who lives close to the…