Michele Farwell – All Otsego


Michele Farwell


Butternut Valley Alliance Joins Otsego Outdoors Collaborative

Butternut Valley Alliance JoinsOtsego Outdoors Collaborative By DARLA M. YOUNGS OTSEGO COUNTY Having recently welcomed the Butternut Valley Alliance to its ranks, the Otsego Outdoors program has now grown from a trio of partner organizations to a quartet. Otsego Outdoors, known for its seasonal Otsego Octet Challenges, connects county residents and visitors with year-round recreational opportunities. The collaborative program was begun in May of 2017 by Otsego 2000, the Otsego Land Trust and the Otsego County Conservation Association.…


Otsego hires county administrator, approves EMS positions

Otsego hires county administrator, approves EMS positions By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com Joshua Beams, a 2005 SUNY Oneonta graduate, was appointed as Otsego County administrator, effective Oct. 4, at a special meeting of the county’s Board of Representatives Tuesday, Sept. 7. The position was originally approved in December 2019, but the hiring was delayed a year because of a 2020 hiring freeze at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The position was discussed in county government circles for…


All Aboard, Reps OKs Hiring Of 3 For COVID Fight

BOND GETS FLEXIBILITY All Aboard, Reps Okay Hiring Of 3 For COVID Fight By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The county Board of Representatives voted unanimously today to give Public Health Director Heidi Bond the resources she may need. Acting on a resolution from the floor presented by county Rep. Michele Farwell, D-Morris, the board approved three LPNs or three health workers, or a combination of the two, to ensure Bond has the resources she needs to…


Vote Farwell, Brockway For County Board Seats

ELECTION EDITORIAL Vote Farwell, Brockway For County Board Seats 2017 – now, that was a year for local democracy. Twelve of the 14 seats on the Otsego County Board of Representatives were contested – only Gary Koutnik in Democratic Oneonta and Dan Wilber in Republican Town of Burlington got a pass. This year, regrettably, there are three, but one race calls out for an endorsement: Michele Farwell, the Democrat running for reelection in District 2 (Morris, Butternuts and Pittsfield). Send…


NYSEG Updates Energy Task Force on County’s Energy Future

NYSEG BRIEFS ENERGY TASK FORCE Pipeline Expansion To Begin Next Year By JENNIFER HILL • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Work on increasing the DeRuyter-Oneonta gas pipeline’s capacity by 25 percent will begin next year, NYSEG has told the Otsego County Energy Task Force. That could mean the “interruptible power” – Oneonta’s colleges and Fox Hospital are required to switch to more expensive fuel oil when temperatures drop below zero – will kick in less often, county Rep. Michelle Farwell,…


Energy Task Force Goal: To Avoid Us Vs. Them

from the ENERGY TASK FORCE Energy Task Force Goal: To Avoid Us Vs. Them To the Editor: Your June 20-21 editorial on the Otsego County Energy Taskforce ends with the sentence: “We’re all in this together.” We on the Taskforce Leadership Committee couldn’t agree more. But the editorial’s main assertion that the business community has been shut out of the process is not based on fact and includes inaccuracies and unhelpful hypotheticals that need to be corrected. Chief among these…


Energy Taskforce Sets Out Ambitious Plan in First Meeting

Energy Taskforce Sets Out Ambitious Plan in 1st Meeting by JENNIFER HILL • Special to www.ALLOTSEGO.com WEST ONEONTA – In the first convening of the 38-member Otsego County Energy Taskforce Town Hall Wednesday evening, County Board Rep. Meg Kennedy, a founder of the group, announced its end goal: an ambitious plan “that will address the current and future energy needs of Otsego County” by October 2020. Calling the plan’s timeline “ambitious,” Kennedy said the Taskforce aimed to complete a draft of the…