Michele Frazier – Page 2 – All Otsego


Michele Frazier - Page 2


Council Approves Nick’s Application

City Council OKs Nick’s Diner Plan $230K CDBG Application Albany-Bound By PARKER FISH • Special To www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – The audience filled the seats and spilled out into the hallway as the Common Council again debated, then approved Nick’s Diner’s application for a $230,000 CDBG grant. The vote enables Nick’s prospective owner Rodney Thorsland’s to submit the application to Albany for its approval. Thorsland’s request has been hotly debated in the past three Common Council meetings, with several community members…


Despite Student Outcry, Council Passes Fines For Party Hosts

Despite Student Outcry, Council Passes Host Fines By PARKER FISH • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – Despite Hartwick College and SUNY Oneonta students protesting that the “Social Hosting” law could have “unintended consequences,” Common Council voted unanimously to pass a law which would create a fine of up to $1000 for any person holding a party or social gathering where minors were found to be consuming alcohol or using other illicit drugs. “I’m concerned that many students at both Oneonta and…


Council To Name Michele Frazier To First Ward Vacancy

Council To Name Michele Frazier To Fill van der Sommen Vacancy ONEONTA – Common Council is set to vote Tuesday on naming Michele Frazier to the First Ward council seat vacated by Paul van der Sommen’s resignation.  Van der Sommen moved to Florida. Frazier, a realtor with the Benson Agency, sits on the Oneonta World of Learning board and teaches in the SUNY Delhi Liberal Arts Department. If appointed, she will serve a term through Dec. 31.…