Milford United Methodist – All Otsego


Milford United Methodist


REJOICE! Milford United Methodist Celebrates Pentecost Service In New Church

REJOICE! As Milford United Methodist Opens ‘All The People’ – SRO – ‘Say Amen’ Sounds of song, inspiration and prayer filled the brand new sanctuary to standing-room-only at the rebuilt Milford Methodist Church during this morning’s service, “two years, two months and twenty-eight days” after the March 12, 2017, arson that destroyed the original building. Above, Pastor Sylvia Barrett on guitar, leads the  congregation in “And All The People Said Amen,” with help from Music Director Ron Johnson on organ…


Safe And Sound

Safe & Sound Bell Plucked From Milford Church Tower Onlookers held their breaths as Eastman Associates’ Mike French uses his excavator to delicately lift the bell from the wobbling remains of the Milford United Methodist Church’s bell tower during today’s demolition. French removed two walls of the tower to expose the bell well enough to grab it. As it was lifted out over the rubble, it rang three times,  the chimes echoing across the valley. Those in attendance cheered and applauded as the…