mobile homes – All Otsego


mobile homes


WELCH: Hurricane Proof Mobile Homes

Letter from Gerry Welch Hurricane Proof Mobile Homes Ian’s devastating toll on mobile homes suggests that mobile home building codes need to be upgraded to be hurricane-resistant. It would be easier to manufacture mobile homes more safely than conventionally-built homes. Reinforced framing with impact-resistant siding and windows should be code. To counter storm surge or rising water, design the chassis to attach to four steel poles, ground secured, with hydraulic lifts to raise and lower the home. Safe haven in…


A break for seniors in mobile home parks

A break for seniors in mobile home parks Otsego County seniors who reside in mobile home parks may now be eligible to receive assistance from the Otsego County Office for the Aging and Otsego Rural Housing Assistance (ORHA) for their mobile home repairs.  This assistance is to help older adults (age 60 +) to continue living safely and independently in their homes. It is for home repairs such as roofing, plumbing, electrical and flooring. “New York State offers a number…