Money Matters – All Otsego


Money Matters


  MORGAN: Fracking Bust? Or Fracking Boom?

MONEY MATTERS • Column Fracking Bust? Or Fracking Boom? By TOM MORGAN • Special to Who you gonna believe? When people argue over contentious issues today they often follow a predictable pattern. He cites a scientific study that says blah blah about climate change. She cites a scientific study that claims the opposite. Oh yeah? He says her study was published in a junk journal. Oh yeah? She lists the scientist’s credentials. And claims his scientist has the wrong…


Punishing Present For The Past

COLUMN • Money Matters Punishing Present For The Past  By TOM MORGAN • Special to Join me in a grand political correctness crusade! Together we can punish the present for the past. This crusade has already racked up several victories. Many more lie ahead. Our most recent victory: We beheaded Kate Smith. The New York Yankees and Philadelphia Flyers destroyed her recordings of “God Bless America” they used to play. The Flyers hauled her statue from its stadium. They…


Let’s Build Great Future On Great Past

COLUMN • MONEY MATTERS Let’s Build Great Future On Great Past By TOM MORGAN •  Hometown Oneonta & The Freeman’s Journal Was America ever great? Former Attorney General Eric Holder poses the question. “Exactly when did you think America was great?” He competes with Governor Cuomo.  Cuomo told us “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.” Let us look at that question. But first, let us admit these politicians are simply trying to dilute…