morris – Page 5 – All Otsego


morris - Page 5

Deep-Fried Pop Tarts Savory, But Not For The Faint Of Heart

AllOTSEGO EXCLUSIVE • THE FAIR FOODIE Deep-Fried Pop Tarts Savory, But Not For The Faint Of Heart By LIBBY CUDMORE •   MORRIS – For some, the Otsego County Fair is all about the rides.  For others, the games, the chance to win a giant plush tiger or a ribbon for the best cow. For me, this week, it’s all about the food.  I’ve always been fascinated by fair food, the seemingly endless variety of deep-fried deliciousness, the kind…

Court Decision Renews Drive For Fracking Ban In Morris

Court Decision Renews Drive For Fracking Ban In Morris MORRIS – In the wake of the state Court of Appeals’ June 30 decision upholding local fracking bans, Town Board member Marilyn Roveland will make a motion at Tuesday’s town board meeting calling for a ban here. Advocates for Morris announced her intention in a press release asking ban supporters to attend the meeting and support Roveland. “Your presence and your voices are more important now than ever before,” the release…

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