Mueller report – All Otsego


Mueller report


Big Guys Keep Little Guys From Thriving, Delgado Says

Big Guys Keep Little Guys From Thriving, Delgado Says By JENNIFER HILL  • Special to ONEONTA – Coming off a week of “Town Halls,” with students, small-business owners and farmers,  U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado,  D-19, said in a teleconference press briefing this morning that while there were “critically important” national issues, most people in his district want to know “how do we improve the area.” In discussing how to improve the area, Delgado often framed his responses in big…


Delgado: Assess Threats, Then Uphold Rule Of Law

Congressman React To Mueller Report Delgado: Assess Threats, Then Uphold Rule Of Law With the Mueller Report made public today, Congressman Antonio Delgado, R-19, issued a measured response this evening: “Now that the Special Counsel’s redacted report has been released, I will review it in full in order to understand any threats to the integrity of our democracy, especially our electoral process. As our intelligence community has made clear, Russia directly interfered in the 2016 election. “All branches of government…


SWAN: ‘It’s Up To Us To Keep Officials Accountable’

SWAN: ‘It’s Up To Us To Keep Officials Accountable’ By LIBBY CUDMORE • Hometown Oneonta & The Freeman’s Journal ONEONTA – Details matter. “A four-page summary should be the tip of the iceberg,” said Aimee Swan, Otsego County Democratic chair. “There were 2,800 subpoenas, 500 witnesses, but there is not a single word from Robert Mueller in Barr’s letter. We need to see the full report.” She was referring to Attorney General William Barr’s letter summarizing Mueller’s investigation into Russian…


CASALE: ‘Gotcha’ Politics May Backfire For Democrats

CASALE: ‘Gotcha’ Politics May Backfire For Democrats By JIM KEVLIN • The Freeman’s Journal & Hometown Oneonta COOPERSTOWN – Democrats are in for “a huge beating,” Otsego County Republican Chairman Vince Casale said in the wake of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s non-indictment outcome of a two-year investigation of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. “They’ve hung everything they’ve had on ‘collusion’ over the past two years,” said Casale, who is also a political consultant in statewide campaigns in New York.  “Now…


County’s GOP Chairman Reacts: Mueller Report’s 5 p.m. Transmittal Suggests It Has ‘Little Information’

MUELLER’S WORK IS DONE GOP Chair Skeptical; Democrat Anticipates Release Of Particulars The reactions of Otsego County’s top Republican and Democrat differed to the news Special Counsel Robert Mueller has completed his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 Presidential campaign and transmitted his finding to the Justice Department. Given the news was not released until 5 p.m. on a Friday suggests it “contains little information the author wants people to know,” said county Republican Chairman Vince Casale, Cooperstown, when…