Music – All Otsego



Happenin’ Otsego: 08-29-24

FINALE—5:15 p.m. “After Work Entertainment in Downtown Oneonta.” The Killdeer Trio. Free. Held Thursdays through 8/29. Muller Plaza, Oneonta. (719) 246-5593 or visit…

Happenin’ Otsego; 07-17-24

YOUTH—12:30-2:30 p.m. “Summer Crafternoon: Stories.” Children aged 5-12 explore their creativity in the galleries. Free admission. Yager Museum of Art & Culture, Hartwick College, 1 Hartwick Drive, Oneonta. (607) 431-4480 or visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Cabaret With The Stan Fox Quartet CABARET NIGHT—6:30 p.m. Enjoy a fun night of cabaret music, dancing and good vibes with the Stan Fox quartet. Features “The Rhythm Section” Rob Roman on piano, Evan Jagels on bass and Rob Lipari on drums. Refreshments and light food available. Admission by donation to fund ongoing community based performing arts activities at the center.  Foothills Performing Arts and Civics Center, Oneonta. (607) 431-2080 or visit BLOOD DRIVE—1-6 p.m.…


Off the Cuff/On the Record: The Medicinals

Off the Cuff/On the Record The Medicinals COOPERSTOWN—The Medicinals, led by Dylan Savage, will perform on Friday, March 3 at The Otesaga Resort Hotel. Next up in the Cooperstown Concert Series’ 53rd season, this 10-piece “roots reggae afro funk band” will take the stage at 7:30 p.m. as part of the Cooperstown Concert Series’ 53rd season. Based in Rochester, the Medicinals’ current lineup includes: Dylan Savage, guitar and vocals; William McKenna, bass and vocals; Shawn Drogan, drums; Ken Luk, guitar;…


Killdeer Trio, An Otsego Original, Finding Its Groove

Killdeer Trio, An Otsego Original, Finding Its Groove By IAN KENYON For Wyatt Ambrose, Sebastian Green and Evan Jagels, 2022 is a year nearly a decade in the making. In May, the trio—now officially the “Killdeer Trio”—sat down for their first rehearsal with the intent to perform as a band. Their debut performance followed in less than a month and since then has propelled Ambrose, Green and Jagels, all Otsego County residents, into back-to-back performances throughout the area. “This group…


A Chat with Maestro Maciej Żołtówski

A Chat with Maestro Maciej Żołtówski By T. STEPHEN WAGER COOPERSTOWN – The recent, and almost sudden, appearance of Fenimore Chamber Orchestra on the scene in Cooperstown certainly has garnered salvos from every area. Needless to say, Maestro Żołtówski’s rich international background has brought about an extraordinary fabric of different styles and the ease in which those styles are communicated via conducting. When asked who provided him with the greatest influence, without any hesitation, Maestro Żołtówski replied, “Krzysztof Penderecki. When…


November 19 Concert To Feature Noted Polish-American Violinist

November 19 Concert To Feature Noted Polish-American Violinist By IAN KENYON ONEONTA – Catskill Symphony Orchestra Music Director Maciej Żółtowski could not be more direct: “Czech composers occupy a very special place in my heart.” Reflecting on his own graduation concert in 1997, Żółtowski elaborates. “It opened with Smetana’s Overture from “The Bartered Bride.” I love the downright contagious optimism and inexhaustible energy. Since then, my programs frequently feature symphonies by Dvořák, including those lesser known—like the ‘Fifth’ or the…


Fenimore Chamber Orchestra Starting Strong

Fenimore Chamber Orchestra Starting Strong Rosemary Summers brings a lot of experience to the new Fenimore Chamber Orchestra. “I actually got my start in the music business with the Catskill Symphony Orchestra and the Catskill Conservatory back in the 70s,” Ms. Summers, Chief Operations Officer of the new orchestra said. “Everything that is involved in the physical production of a concert is what I am in charge of. Hiring theappropriate musicians, securing the venue, providing the sheet music for everyone…chairs,…


Maciej Żółtowski, Music Director of Fenimore Chamber Orchestra and Catskill Symphony Orchestra

Fenimore Chamber Orchestra Coming To Area “I am a busy man!” said Maciej Żółtowski. “I am still the Music Director at Catskill Symphony Orchestra and am now the Music Director at Fenimore Chamber Orchestra!”, he said. “It’s not unusual to be music director for two or three companies. I remember my first meeting with Thomas Wolf, Executive Director, and we developed a fruitful relationship. It just all grew from there.“ “In every organization, the music director is always the conductor…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, JULY 22 Folk Music with the Franklin Stage Company MUSIC – 7:30 p.m. The Vicki Kristina Barcelona Band performs a re-imagining of the lyrical genius of the Tom Waits songbook via inventive three-part harmonies and a treasure trove of instruments including banjos, bottles, squeezebox, and zills. Free admission. Franklin Stage Company, 25 Institute St., Franklin. 607-829-3700 or visit…

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