
national discourse


Hawthorn Hill Journal: Of Garlic, Bluebirds, Bees and Yeats

Hawthorn Hill Journal by Richard deRosa Of Garlic, Bluebirds, Bees and Yeats This is a time of year that I always look forward to—garlic harvest and drying time. The act of harvesting the garlic, brushing each bulb and then tying bunches of five together with an extra loop for hanging in the barn, has always been a cathartic, even deeply contemplative time for me. I cannot remember why I’ve stuck with five. It just feels right. And the few times…

Putting the Community Back Into the Newspaper

Now through July 31st, new or lapsed annual subscribers to the hard copy “Freeman’s Journal” (which also includes unlimited access to, or electronically to, can also give back to one of their favorite Otsego County charitable organizations.

$5.00 of your subscription will be donated to the nonprofit of your choice:

Cooperstown Farmers’ Market, Cooperstown Food Pantry, Greater Oneonta Historical Society or Super Heroes Humane Society.