Nelson – All Otsego




Nosey Little Nelson

Nosey Little Nelson MARYLAND—Nelson, curious little companion of Arlene Nygren and Judith Sobers, peeks out from behind a vase of tulips. Nelson is the first four-legged, furry and/or feathered subject to be featured in our new weekly photo series highlighting animals and the important role they play in our lives. We invite you to send your pictures to Every week, we’ll select at least one photograph to be highlighted in the newspapers and online.…


Friends Of Bassett’s Soirée Raises $170K For Arts In Healing

Locals: Feb. 28 – Mar. 01, 2019 Friends Of Bassett’s Soirée Raises $170K For Arts In Healing COOPERSTOWN – The more than 300 guests attending the Friends of Bassett’s third annual Valentine’s Soirée Feb. 9 at The Otesaga raised $170,000 for the hospital’s Arts in Healthcare program, the Friends announced today. Arts In Healthcare aims to reduce stress and promote healing among patients, their families and providers through artistic engagement. Flis and Andy Blum of Cooperstown were recognized for their…