Netflix – All Otsego




Snow on the way!

Here comes more weather! Let’s see … we had warm temperatures on Monday followed by a power-cutting windstorm followed by slippery travel on Wednesday … and now a weekend snowstorm on tap … must be March in upstate New York. The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning for Otsego County, in effect from 1 a.m. through 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 12 andsaid Friday morning that our region can expect the snow to begin overnight with snow that…


Inside, Outside The Otesaga, Roger Stone Stirs Reactions

Inside, Outside The Otesaga, Roger Stone Stirs Reactions Veteran Republican consultant Roger Stone, top photo, left, shares insights with, from right, Otsego County Republican chairman Vince Casale, Lynne Krogh and Sheriff Richard J. Devlin Jr. last evening at the annual county Republican Dinner at The Otesaga.  Stone, who has recently published “The Making of The American President 2016,” said the Netflix movie based on the book has caused a spike in sales.  Controversial dating back to his days as an…