New York Farm Bureau – All Otsego


New York Farm Bureau


NYCAMH Facing Budget Difficulties

NYCAMH Facing Budget Difficulties Seeks To Raise Awareness By TARA BARNWELLFLY CREEK On Tuesday, March 7, the New York Farm Bureau held a virtual press conference to voice its support for the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health and to highlight budget issues currently being faced by NYCAMH. NYCAMH has a simple mission statement: “Enhancing agricultural and rural health by preventing and treating occupational injury and illness.”…


Letter: Farms can’t afford threshold

Letter: Farms can’t afford threshold The future of agriculture locally may be in the hands of a three-member board. The decision they make will impact our farms immediately. The decision to be made — should the overtime threshold for farm labor move from 60 hours to 40 hours? The answer — no. According to a study from Cornell’s Dyson School and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (commissioned by New York State) 72 percent of workers stated they would not…


Otsego Assemblyman warns state’s Farm Wage panel against drop in overtime threshold

Otsego Assemblyman warns state’s Farm Wage panel against drop in overtime threshold Otsego County farmers and their representatives wait anxiously as New York’s Department of Labor inches toward establishing its overtime work threshold for farm workers across the state — a decision that could come soon. Assemblyman Chris Tague (R), whose district includes a broad swath of the county and a former dairy farmer himself, isn’t optimistic about the outcome. “I was disappointed when I listened to Governor Hochul’s State…