
Nick Palevsky - Page 2


Anti-Windmill Allies Lose Richfield Races

OTSEGO COUNTY 2019 PRIMARIES Anti-Windmill Allies Lose Richfield Races Nick Palevsky In; Kane Seamon Out By JIM KEVLIN • Special to RICHFIELD SPRINGS – The tide is going out on anti-wind power here. In last night’s Republican primary, former town supervisor Nick Palevsky, a critic of Monticello Hills wind farm opponents who took over much of town government, won the Republican primary for town supervisor, 158-148.…


In Richfield, Candidate Offers Chaos, Negativity

LETTER from BONNIE ENJEM In Richfield, Candidate Offers Chaos, Negativity To the Editor: It is heartbreaking that our town has been plagued for over a year by Nick Palevsky’s horrendous and derogatory articles in the Pennysaver and other papers about a draft zoning law, the zoning volunteers and board members. Whenever there is chaos, negativity, and turmoil in Richfield, it is Palevsky at the helm. And his statements are RARELY based on fact. So then the bullying and placing of…


Super-Majority Aims To Keep Tyranny Out Of Zoning Plans

from NICK PALEVSKY Super-Majority Aims To Keep Tyranny Out Of Zoning Plans To the Editor: For 150 years after Independence, government attempts to limit how landowners use their property were seen as unconstitutional because: 1. Zoning laws take property rights without compensation, and 2. Zoning laws constitute unequal treatment under the law. Then came the ‘progressive’ era, in the early 1900s, which brought us the income tax, direct election of Senators, the Federal Reserve and Prohibition – all the so-called…