nuclear power – All Otsego


nuclear power


Is Nuclear Power Answer After All?

SAVING OUR PLANET Is Nuclear Power Answer After All? Editor’s Note: Len Carson, the former county rep from Oneonta and DC Marketing president, circulated a video of Michael Shellenberger’s 2016 Ted Talk, “How Fear of Nuclear Power is Hurting the Environment,” to Citizens Voice, the local businesspeople’s group, for discussion at its Wednesday, March 13, meeting. Shellenberger was one of Time magazine’s 2008 “Heroes of the Environment,” but in 2015 helped found Environmental Progress, seeking to prevent California’s closure of…


Citizen Voices To Discuss Ted Talk On Nuclear Power

Citizen Voices To Discuss Ted Talk On Nuclear Power Len Carson of Oneonta, Common Council candidate and DC Marketing president, has asked Citizen Voices participants to view a 14-minute video of environmentalist Michael Shellenberger‘s TED Talk, “How Fear of Nuclear Power is Hurting the Environment” and be prepared to discuss it at tomorrow morning’s meeting at Oneonta Block.  In his talk, Shellenberger says that despite massive investments in solar panels in the U.S., Europe and even India, and data show…