Ommegang – All Otsego




KEITH: ‘Nirvana’ Use Should Not Be an Issue

Letter from Lang Keith ‘Nirvana’ Use Should Not Be an Issue When I saw the front page of this week’s Freeman’s Journal I immediately checked my calendar, thinking I had somehow missed a couple of months and this was the April Fool’s issue. But no, it’s the January 26th issue, and the article about Ommegang was not a spoof of the omnipresent swath of American citizens who seem to spend their days seeking new ways to be offended. Thank goodness…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Celebrate Our Earth 04-23-22

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, APRIL 23 Celebrate Our Earth CLEAN UP – 9 a.m. – Noon. Morris residents are invited to join the Butternut Valley Alliance, others, to show your love for our Earth and help clean up the local roadways and streams, donate to the food bank, more. Parking Lot, Morris Central School, 65 W. Main St., Morris. Visit RECYCLING – Noon – 3 p.m. Celebrate Earth Day and recycle responsibly. Bring your hard to recycle items including rigid…


Keep Mohawk Valley Beautiful

Otsego County, Mohawk Valley group team up to go green Ommegang / OCCA set drive-through recycling event Otsego County Chamber of Commerce Director of Operations Kathryn Dailey introduces Steven Smith, Executive Director of the Mohawk Valley Economic Development District, at the April 11 clean-up rally Otsego County’s Chamber of Commerce joined Keep Mohawk Valley Beautiful this week to kick off Earth Day volunteer action aimed at registering individuals, businesses, organizations, and community groups to register cleanup or beautification events in…


Coming up

This week Coming up in this week’s print edition of The Freeman’s Journal / Hometown Oneonta (available this afternoon!) … the Baseball Hall of Fame brings back its popular ‘Classic’ festivities for Memorial Day Weekend … Cooperstown honors its very own Grace Kull … Oneonta Mayor Mark Drnek deputizes some very eager kids … Ommegang has concerts coming this summer … Richard DeRosa reflects on coming home … Babe Ruth’s grandson has some thoughts on uniform numbers … we take…


Cooperstown brewmaster teams up with Troy Aikman

Cooperstown brewmaster teams up with Troy Aikman By Ted Potrikus Add one award-winning Master Brewer and one Football Hall-of-Famer to make eight — EIGHT beer, that is, a joint project of Cooperstown’s Phil Leinhart and former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman that jumps into the jam-packed craft beer market later this year. It’s a brew more than two years in the making, Mr. Leinhart said, made with no sugar and featuring Hallertau Taurus hops. “They’re a variety of Bavarian-growth hops…


Craft beverages enjoy business boom in Otsego

Craft beverages enjoy business boom in Otsego New places are popping up along the Beverage Trail with interesting takes on classic locally sourced fare By Kevin Limiti • Special to Otsego County is famous for its Baseball Hall of Fame, art museums, hiking trails and more but there is also another thing that draws people to the region, its craft beverages. Otsego County has its own beverage trail and is home to the internationally known Ommegang Brewery. But new…


Plenty Of Food – Who’s That At The Next Table?

FINE FOOD, FUN FOOD Plenty Of Food – Who’s That At The Next Table? At Morey’s Family Restaurant, your booth neighbor might be a man dressed in a brocade jacket, pajamas and bedroom slippers, smoking a pipe and sitting in a high-back chair next to a roaring fire, a dog sitting at his feet. A girl with long blond curls in a long frilly nightgown stands next to him. The room he is in looks like a parlor room in…

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