Oneonta Central School – All Otsego


Oneonta Central School


Schools reopen, protocols in place

Schools reopen, protocols in place School districts in Otsego County reopened on Monday, January 3, amid a continuing rise in COVID-19 cases throughout the country, with the Omicron variant chiefly responsible. But the response from the various superintendents was to stay the course and continue protocols that work for them, including guidelines such as mask wearing and social distancing. Cooperstown Central School Superintendent Sarah Spross said district protocol last changed in mid-December, with layered mitigation strategies provided by the Centers…


Schools prepare for delta variant

Schools prepare for delta variant By Kevin Limiti • Special to With the delta variant of the coronavirus virus causing jumps in cases across the county and the country, some Otsego County school districts are gearing up to welcome kids back to classes with masks on. This is based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, which has labeled Otsego County as a “substantial transmission” area where, in theory, masks are recommended indoors regardless of vaccination status. COVID…


Schools face budget votes Tuesday; prepare for graduations

Schools face budget votes Tuesday; prepare for graduations By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to Budget and board of education elections for schools in Otsego County will take place from noon to 9 p.m., Tuesday, May 18. In addition, schools are preparing for a second year of coronavirus-proof graduations. Here are the details for each of Otsego’s public school districts:…


As COVID Cases Rise, Oneonta Schools Go Virtual Until January

As COVID Cases Rise, Oneonta Schools Go Virtual Until January By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – With COVID cases topping 126 county-wide this past week, including five Oneonta Elementary School staff members and one high school student, Superintendent Thomas Brindley announced that all schools will go fully remote until Tuesday, Jan. 19. “Concerns associated with our community’s rising COVID-19 cases, recent cases that have affected our schools, uncertainty of what the holiday impact may have on COVID…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Oneonta Drive Thru Food Pantry 08-31-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, AUGUST 31 Oneonta Drive Thru Food Pantry DRIVE-THRU PANTRY – 10 a.m. – gone. Families in the Oneonta City School District are invited to pick up supplies from Regional Food Bank. Oneonta Middle School, 130 East St., Oneonta. 607-433-8200 or visit CLICK HERE FOR THE LIST OF CANCELLED EVENTS CLICK TO LOOK AHEAD AT WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO…


Oneonta Outlines ‘Hybrid’ Plan For Possible October Reopening

PARENTS BRIEFED VIA ZOOM Oneonta’s ‘Hybrid’ Plan Allows Parents To Keep Children Out Of School ‘We’re Giving … A Choice,’ Brindley Says By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – If the Oneonta School District reopens, as planned, on Oct. 13, parents can still keep their children at home, learning remotely, moms and dads learned at last evening’s Zoom public hearing on the reopening plan. “Many districts who plan to open in hybrid, your child has to be there,”…


Deadline Approaches As Oneonta School Board Seeks Petitions

2 Incumbents Unopposed For Oneonta School Board ONEONTA – Two seats on the Oneonta City school board are open and the deadline for getting on the ballot is Wednesday, April 26. Currently, incumbents Amy Burnsworth and Dan Buttermann are running unopposed. To apply, a petition may be obtained from the Oneonta School District offices in the former Center Street School, and 100 signatures from registered voters are needed.…

Enrollments To Dive, But Oneonta Stable

Enrollments To Dive, But Oneonta Stable By JIM KEVLIN • HOMETOWN ONEONTA/The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Friday, Nov. 21, 2014 The latest enrollment figures are in from ONC BOCES, and they forecast an 18 percent drop in high school enrollment in its 19-district region by 2027. In some of ONC BOCES’ districts, the forecast is considerably worse: Milford Central can expect a 46.8 percent decrease, almost half of its high school population. Jefferson Central, in Delaware County, may lose 41.5…