
oneonta history - Page 7


HOMETOWN History April 17, 2020

HOMETOWN History April 17, 2020 150 Years Ago News Items – Ohio has 25 different female suffrage associations. Boston uses 7,646,020 gallons of milk annually. Nearly 700 Philadelphia girls were married to foreigners last year. Boston expects to pay $1,400,000 for its public schools the coming year. A farmer in Schuyler County lately lost a colt from bleeding at the nose. The new five-cent pieces will be ready in a few days. Ole Bull’s famous violin is said to be…


HOMETOWN History April 10, 2020

HOMETOWN History April 10, 2020 50 Years Ago The changes taking place on the surface of our Earth with which the hand of man has nothing to do are very remarkable. The Islands of Jersey and Guernsey are slowly sinking. People anxious to see them need not be in a hurry, but their places will, perhaps someday, be marked with lightships anchored to what is now fertile soil. Meanwhile, new islands rise in another hemisphere and Chile and Sweden are…


HOMETOWN History April 3, 2020

HOMETOWN History April 3, 2020 150 Years Ago Death of Bees – During the past few weeks, mortality among the bees about Portlandville has been very great. One gentleman having 48 hives has lost 43 out of the number, and others have lost in nearly the same proportion. The cause is attributed to a scarcity of the store laid up last season, which may be true, and if true, makes neglect on the part of the owners the more culpable.…


HOMETOWN History March 25, 2020

HOMETOWN History March 25, 2020 150 Years Ago The Technologist – The second number of this journal has reached us and is fully up to the promises held out by the first. It contains a very fine full page engraving on tinted paper, giving the details of the East River Bridge Caisson. Other articles of great interest serve to render this number valuable, both to the practical man and to the general reader. Amongst them may be mentioned the “Manufacture…


HOMETOWN History March 20, 2020

HOMETOWN History March 20, 2020 150 Years Ago Shooting Affray – Nobody Killed: A disgraceful affair occurred in Shafer’s Store at Pepacton last Saturday evening. It appears that two men, James Frazier and Ad. Shafer, proprietor of the store, got into some dispute which brought on a war of words, when Frazier struck Shafer on the nose with some instrument which proved hard enough to break the said nose, and necessitate the sending for a medical man, who reconstructed it…


HOMETOWN History March 13, 2020

HOMETOWN History March 13, 2020 150 Years Ago The Inebriate Asylum – A portion of this humbug institution, created and kept up at the expense of the State for the benefit of Binghamton, was burned a few days since – loss estimated at $75,000. The Legislature is already being called upon for an appropriation to repair the damage. The Binghamton Leader publishes a list of items of expenditures for the past three years, which foot up at $409,880.79. Receipts from…


HOMETOWN History Feb. 28, 2020

HOMETOWN History Feb. 28, 2020 150 Years Ago (Excerpts from the following advertisement): Constitutional Recognition of Almighty God and the Christian Religion – Call for a National Convention: The Constitution of the United States makes no acknowledgement of Almighty God, the author of national existence; nor of Jesus Christ, who is the Ruler of Nations; nor of the Bible, which is the fountain of law and good morals as well as of religion. This has from the beginning been a…


HOMETOWN History Feb. 21, 2020

HOMETOWN History Feb. 21, 2020 150 Years Ago Humorous – A Case of Denied Non-Committal: Old Lady – “Can you tell me, my good man, where I can find Mr. Jones?” Pat: “Sure Ma’am, I expect it would be at his house you would find him.” Lady: “Does he live anywhere in the street here?” Pat: “Sure, no indeed, it’s not for the likes of him to be living in the street at all.” Lady: “You stupid fellow! I mean…


HOMETOWN History Feb. 14, 2020

HOMETOWN History Feb. 14, 2020 150 Years Ago The Bible in Ohio Public Schools – The Judges of the Superior Court have rendered their decision in the case involving the question of the exclusion of the Bible from the public schools. The action was to discuss an injunction heretofore granted to restrain the operations of the School Board, declaring that the reading of the Bible and religious books should not be permitted in the schools. Judge Hagens held that the…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Ice Harvest Festival ICE HARVEST FEST – 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Participate in traditional ice harvesting as was done 100 years ago (as long as ice is at least 8”). Also includes ice carving, fishing, hot soup buffet, exhibits by local businesses, more. Cost, $9/adult/teen. Children under 12 enter free. Hanford Mills Museum, 51 Co. Hwy. 12, East Meredith. 607-278-5744 or visit…

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