Oneonta Hotel – All Otsego


Oneonta Hotel


Pervus Still In Contempt, Judge States

Pervu Still In Contempt, Judge States Oneonta Hotel Owners Must Meet Code Before Renting ONEONTA – The state Supreme Court has held Melania and Nicolae Pervu, owners of the former Oneonta Hotel, in contempt of court, City Hall announced this afternoon. The couple failed to comply with the prior court order to bring the residential apartments on the second through fifth floor at 95 Main St. up to the appropriate building and fire codes, Judge John Lambert decided in a…


5-Year Plan Coming Soon To O-Theatre

  5-Year Plan Coming Soon To O-Theatre ONEONTA – The consultants at Webb Management will give their final recommendations for a five-year business plan for the Oneonta Theatre at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19 at Foothills. The performing arts management consultants, who shared their initial findings in December, will report on their study of the local demographics and tourism data for our area and region, and give an overview of their recommendations for a five-year business plan, as well as…


Potential Buyers Express Interest In Oneonta Hotel

With Tenants Out, Exit Realty Listing Hotel For $1.85M One Tenant Remains, But City Working To Locate New Home By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – Within days of the listing, potential investors have already expressed interest in looking at the former Oneonta Hotel, according to realtor Adam Karns. “We had a camp out towards Stamford that expressed interest, and I know another agent had someone interested,” he said. “But we haven’t taken anyone through yet.” Following Judge…


Tenants Ordered To Leave

Tenants Ordered To Leave Judge’s Order Ending 2 Years Of Argument By LIBBY CUDMORE ONEONTA – Two years after City Hall first declared the former Oneonta Hotel unsafe for occupancy, Judge John F. Lambert ordered the remaining tenants vacate the building by Thursday, Feb. 7. “Ultimately, the judge recognized the imminent danger that exists in the building and took action,” said Mayor Gary Herzig after the Tuesday, Feb. 5, hearing before Judge Lambert in Cooperstown. “Our priority now is making…


Empty Oneonta Hotel In Week, Judge Rules

Empty Oneonta Hotel Thursday, Judge Rules City Hall Plans To Work With OFO, DSS To Ensure Tenants Will Have Place to Stay By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to COOPERSTOWN – County Judge John Lambert, presiding in state Supreme Court here, a few minutes ago ruled the former Oneonta Hotel must be vacated by Thursday. Sheriff’s deputies will deliver eviction notices Friday to any tenants remaining in the five-story 195 Main St., which was declared unsafe by the city’s Board…


Oneonta Hotel, City Due In Court Tuesday

Oneonta Hotel, City Due In Court Tuesday By LIBBY CUDMORE  • Special to ONEONTA – Accusing 195 Main Street owners Melania and Nicolae Pervu of “gross negligence” and warning that they are “approaching criminal behavior,” the City of Oneonta will ask County Judge John Lambert to shut down the former Oneonta Hotel during a hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 5. “The situation has now passed far beyond dirty rugs and stained ceiling tiles from a leaking roof,” wrote David Merzig, city…


now what

Oneonta Hotel Twice Leaks Carbon Monoxide, Forcing Its Office-Building Neighbors To Flee NOW WHAT? Mayor Gary Herzig did not mince words after carbon-monoxide leaks from the former Oneonta Hotel cause the adjacent 189 Main professional offices next door to be evacuated twice in four days. “People’s well-being is at risk if we delay action any further,” Herzig said. “Not bringing that building up to code is a risk we should not be taking.”…


C-O Leak Came From Old Hotel, Mayor Reports

2nd C-O Leak Came From Old Hotel, Mayor Reports ONEONTA – The carbon monoxide leak at 189 Main St. that drove employees from their offices and sent six people from the hospital came from the boiler in the basement of the former Oneonta Hotel, Mayor Gary Herzig reported this afternoon. “My understanding is that the hot water boiler was venting carbon monoxide,” said Herzig. “It was getting into the ventilation system for 189 Main.” On Friday, a malfunction in the…



WOMAN HOSPITALIZED; 5 OTHERS TESTED AT FOX 2ND C-O LEAK EMPTIES OUT 189 MAIN ST. Building Next To Oneonta Hotel By LIBBY CUDMORE  & IAN AUSTIN • Special to ONEONTA – A woman was hospitalized at late morning today and all the office and professional workers at landmark 189 Main St. were once again evacuated for high levels of carbon monoxide, the second time in four days. The building was also evacuated Friday due to carbon monoxide from a…


City Inspector Threatened Over Malfunctioning Furnace In Former Oneonta Hotel

City Inspector Allegedly Threatened When Boiler Malfunctioned In Hotel ONEONTA – Nicolae Pervu, owner of the former Oneonta Hotel at 195 Main St., allegedly threatened a City of Oneonta Code Enforcement Inspector after he reported to the scene of a malfunctioning boiler that filled the building at 189 Main with carbon dioxide. “Our inspector left the building because he felt threatened by Mr. Pervu,” said Mayor Gary Herzig. The issues began with the Oneonta Fire Department responded to 189 Main, where…

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