Oneonta police chief – All Otsego


Oneonta police chief


In Memoriam David W. Brenner December 20, 1931 – March 04, 2022

In Memoriam David W. Brenner Dec. 20, 1931 – Mar. 04, 2022 ONEONTA – David W. Brenner, 90, passed away March 4, 2022 at Cooperstown Center Rehabilitation and Nursing Home. David was born December 20, 1931 in Blooming Grove, NY, the son of Lee D. and Henrietta (Maxwell) Brenner.  He was the oldest of 10 children.  The family lived in various towns in and around Newburgh NY. David Graduated from Washingtonville High School in 1949.  In 1950 he enlisted in…


Mayor To Chart Transition After Chief Nayor Resigns

Mayor To Chart Transition After Chief Nayor Resigns By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – In response to Police Chief Dennis Nayor’s resignation to take an Albany job, Mayor Gary Herzig today said he will meet with Nayor, Police Lt. Douglas W. Brenner, and City Hall’s Personnel Director Katie Bottinger in the next few days to chart steps going forward. “It’s a loss for Oneonta,” the mayor said of the news that Nayor will become director of research,…