A screening of "Becoming," free county-sponsored CPR classes, an upcoming wine tasting fundraiser and a call for the location of feral cat colonies are among the topics covered in this week's briefs.…
Acclaimed national bestselling author Mary Beth Keane will visit the Village Library of Cooperstown for a talk and book signing at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, August 23. Copies of her book, “The Half Moon,” will be available for purchase, thanks to The Green Toad Bookstore.…
HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Day Of The Dead Celebration FAMILY PROGRAM – Noon – 2 p.m. Celebrate Latino Heritage month with Day of the Dead event. Make paper flowers, learn about Mexican traditions, listen to story time, more. Participants encouraged to bring photo of loved one who’s passed away. Designed for children aged 4-12 + family. Light snacks provided. Cooperstown Village Library. 607-547-8344 or visit www.facebook.com/VillageLibraryOfCooperstown/ FUNDRAISER – 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Construct you cat a cardboard castle with…
HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, OCT. 7 Morgan Cars On Show MORGAN CAR SHOW – 9 a.m.-Noon. See 50 Morgan Sports Cars. Hyde Hall, 267 Glimmerglass State Park Rd., Cooperstown. Call (607) 547-5098 or visit hydehall.org/event/autumn-mog-2017/ COOPTOBERFEST – 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Food, music, vendors, activities, more. Main St., Cooperstown. Visit www.facebook.com/Cooptoberfest/…