Other Voices – All Otsego


Other Voices

Other voices, other views by Wayne Mellor: Public banks and our local economy

Other voices, other views by Wayne Mellor Public banks and our local economy Adrian Kuzminski’s recent article on the benefits of local business ownership and how a simple regulation can effectively hold off big business consolidation gives us another opportunity to better understand the current state of rural economies like ours. The consolidation and productivity increases in the dairy industry have nearly wiped out the small business farm economy in our region. That economy supported myriad small businesses such as…


ATWELL: Minnie Undrowned Again

LETTER from JIM ATWELL Minnie Undrowned Again Grandma hung up the telephone. “Mrs. Halpine from down the street. She’s forwarding a message from your Grandpa and Uncle Tom.” “They’re standing on the pier with boat hooks snagged in Minnie Frederick’s coat collar, holding her head above water. She’s screeching protests.” Grandma gave a snort. “I’d say, let her sink! Minnie puts on this show every November. Well, let’s see how she does without an audience!”…


OTHER VOICES: As Of July 23, No State Has Time To Ensure Smooth Voting’

OTHER VOICES As Of July 23, No State Has Time To Ensure Smooth Voting’ More than a month after New York’s June 23 primary elections, state election officials are still counting votes. In some legislative districts, they haven’t even started counting absentee votes. In the best-case scenario, election officials hoped to declare winners by the first Tuesday in August – six weeks after Election Day. It might take a lot longer than that. Election officials in New York City have…


BISHOP WEBB: Advice To His Methodist Flock

OTHER VOICES BISHOP WEBB: Advice To His Methodist Flock Editor’s Note: This letter from Bishop Mark J. Webb was sent to United Methodists in the Upper Conference, including Otsego County, following last week’s news of a possible division in the church. Grace and peace to you in the wonderful name of Jesus the Christ! Over this past weekend, various media were filled with stories about the splitting of the United Methodist Church. Based on some of these stories, people have…