Otsego Chamber – All Otsego


Otsego Chamber


Barbara Ann Heegan Resigns From Chamber

BULLETIN Barbara Ann Heegan Resigns From Chamber ONEONTA – Barbara Ann Heegan, veteran president of the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce, has resigned to accept as similar position at the Greenwood (S.C.) Chamber of Commerce. PLEASE CHECK BACK FOR DETAILS…


Rotary Donates 1,000 Masks For Use Locally

Rotary Donates 1,000 Masks For Use Locally Otsego Chamber Handling Distribution ONEONTA – The Otsego County Chamber of Commerce is the point of contact for businesses and not-for-profits seeking to obtain some of the 1,000 masks made available locally through Binghamton-based Rotary International District 7170, which includes local clubs. Orders are first-come, first-serve, said chamber President Barbara Ann Heegan, who asked interested parties to contact here at baheegan@otsegocc.com or calling (607) 434-3130.…


Chamber To Honor Helios, Rustic Ridge At Annual Banquet

SMALL BUSINESS GALA NOV. 21 AT OTESAGA Chamber To Honor Helios, Rustic Ridge At Annual Banquet COOPERSTOWN – Helios Care and Rustic Ridge Winery will be the honorees at the Otsego Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Banquet Thursday, Nov. 21, at The Otesaga, chamber President Barbara Ann Heegan announced a few minutes ago. Helios Care, which recently announced the reinvention of Catskill Area Hospice to provide a wide range of services at home, will receive the Excellus Blue Cross Blue…


‘Luckiest People’ Belong To Clark Sports Center

‘Luckiest People’ Belong To Clark Sports Center Former ACC Gymnasium Honored With Chamber Quality Of Life Award By JENNIFER HILL • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Jane Moyer has been exercising at the Clark Sports Center for 70 years, which may explain why she is still going strong at 99. She is one of 36 nonagenarian members – after 90, membership’s free – and they may best exemplify why Otsego County Chamber of Commerce chose the Clark Sports Center its Quality…


Clark Sports Center, ISD To Be Honored At Chamber Soiree

‘Best Of Best’ Reception Planned Clark Sports Center, ISD To Be Honored At Chamber Soiree COOPERSTOWN – The Clark Sports Center will receive the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce’s Quality of Life Award, and ISD Tech, the Environmental Stewardship Award, at a “Best of Otsego County” Summer Soiree Thursday, Aug. 22, at the sports center in Cooperstown.…


Job Seekers Offered Free Rides To Expo

Job Seekers Offered Free Rides To Expo At Otesaga Event, 30 Companies Seeking Full-, Part-Time Workers COOPERSTOWN – A&D Transport Services is offering free rides Wednesday from the CDO Workforce Center, 12 Dietz St., Oneonta, to the Otsego Chamber Job Expo at The Otesaga Cooperstown and back. Call the CDO Workforce today at 607-432-4800 x 100 to reserve a seat. Reservations required. The Job Expo will be underway 10 a.m.-2 p.m., featuring 30 companies, and designed to help job seekers…


Chamber To Honor Job Corps, OCCA

Chamber To Honor Job Corps, OCCA Awards Planned At ‘Summer Soiree’ ONEONTA – Oneonta Job Corps and the OCCA (Otsego County Conservation Association) are recipients of the Otsego Chamber of Commerce’s 2018 “Sustainable Success” Awards, it was announced today. The award winners will be honored at the chamber’s Summer Soiree Thursday, July 19, at Oneonta Municipal Airport, beginning at 5:45 p.m.…


Otsego Chamber VP To Join Corning

Otsego Chamber VP To Join Corning ONEONTA – Today was Shelly Giangrant’s last day at the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce, where she has been a mainstay for the past 15 years. Giangrant, vice president/member services in recent years, will be joining Corning Inc., and teaching horseback riding in Otego. Chamber President Barbara Ann Heegan recognized Giangrant for “providing dedicated service to our members.  We wish her great success in this new opportunity.” Shelly was recognized at the Chamber After Hours…