otsego county animal cruelty task force – All Otsego


otsego county animal cruelty task force


Editorial: Finally.

According to animal law experts, here in New York State animal abuse and cruelty laws are hidden away in an obscure section of our legal framework (Article 26 of New York State Agriculture and Markets law), making enforcement and prosecution difficult at best.…


New Trailer a Game Changer for County Animal Rescue

On Thursday, July 27, the Otsego County Office of Emergency Services made a presentation to the Susquehanna Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals that marks a significant milestone in animal welfare efforts in this county. Emergency Services Coordinator Victor Jones and two of his staff members were on hand at the SQSPCA to officially introduce shelter officials to a brand new livestock trailer for use in farm animal rescues, as well as an animal response trailer fully stocked…


Foundation grant boosts Farm Friends Program capabilities

Foundation grant boosts Farm Friends Program capabilities Thanks to a grant from the John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation, Otsego County’s only farm animal rescue program is poised to take things to the next level. The Susquehanna Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SQSPCA) Farm Friends Program began as an offshoot of the Otsego County Animal Cruelty Task Force, an ongoing partnership between the SQSPCA, the Sheriff’s Department, the District Attorney’s Office, and local veterinarians since 2019.…