
otsego county history - Page 28


HOMETOWN HISTORY: April 15, 2021

HOMETOWN HISTORY April 15, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 135 Years Ago Home & Vicinity – Wm. McCrum has bought the house and lot on Centre Street at the head of Dietz Street from Wm. Peck. Mr. McCrum owns a plot of several acres north of Centre Street and it is his intention to open a street through it, thereby throwing upon the market about 20 building lots, some…


BOUND VOLUMES: April 15, 2021

BOUND VOLUMES April 15, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 210 YEARS AGO Members of the Commission reporting on the feasibility of constructing a canal, or system of navigation, from the Hudson River and Schenectady to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie are identified as Gouverneuer Morris, Stephen Van Rensselaer, William North, De Witt Clinton, Thomas Eddy, Peter B. Porter, and Simeon Dewitt. April 13, 1811…


BOUND VOLUMES: April 8, 2021

BOUND VOLUMES April 8, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 210 YEARS AGO Excerpts from a report of Commissioners appointed by resolutions of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York to explore the route of an inland navigation from Hudson’s River to Ontario and Lake Erie: “…they have examined the country as critically as time and circumstances would permit, and caused surveys to be made for their…



HOMETOWN HISTORY April 8, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 135 Years Ago Home & Vicinity – On Tuesday evening, George Ingalls of this village displayed a collection of gold coins, consisting of twenty-six one-dollar pieces, four five-dollar pieces, and one twenty-dollar piece, all bright and new. What was particularly interesting was that the money was paid Mr. Ingalls for his services during the first year of the rebellion and…



HOMETOWN HISTORY April 1, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 135 Years Ago The report of the Wilber National Bank of Oneonta gives some idea of the immense business interests which it represents. The surplus of $92,500 gives evidence of its financial prosperity and soundness, and its nearly $280,000 of deposit certificates (at three percent we suppose) shows a large amount of capital in the country which finds no desirable…


COVID? It Could Have Been Worse

ALBERT COLONE RECOUNTS FAMILY’S STORY COVID? It Could Have Been Worse Editor’s Note: The COVID-19 pandemic has Albert Colone, founding president of the former National Soccer Hall of Fame in Oneonta, musing about the immigrant experience, when times were REALLY tough. This is the first of two columns on the immigrant experience of his grandparents, Frank and Lucia (Valentini) Colone. COVID-19, which hit America hard starting in early 2020, turned our worlds upside down. I haven’t been able to hug…


BOUND VOLUMES: March 25, 2021

BOUND VOLUMES March 25, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 210 YEARS AGO Mrs. Martha P. Graham’s recipe for a crimson dye – To two gallons of poke berries, when they are quite ripe, add half a gallon of strong vinegar, made of the wild crab apple, to dye one pound of wool, which must be first washed very clean with hard soap. The wool, when wrung dry, is to…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: March 25, 2021

HOMETOWN HISTORY March 18, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 135 Years Ago M. & L. Westcott, who are about to begin the construction of a four-story brick block to contain four stores on Main Street near the fire building, have arranged to open a new street between the proposed block and the residence of Dr. Hamilton, to be called Hamilton Avenue. The street will run from Main to Front…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: March 18, 2021

HOMETOWN HISTORY March 18, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 135 Years Ago Home & Vicinity – A meeting for the purpose of taking steps toward organizing a village law and order league was held at the M.E. Church on Tuesday evening, at which there was a good attendance. Prof. N.N. Bull was chosen chairman and A.L. Kellogg secretary. Short addresses were made by the chairman and by Rev. Mssrs.…


BOUND VOLUMES: March 18, 2021

BOUND VOLUMES March 18, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 210 YEARS AGO Observations on the Culture of Hemp – The soil peculiarly adapted to the cultivation of Hemp should be rich, strong and mellow – low lands, and even cleared swamps, well ditched and drained, exhibiting a deep black, loamy soil, and a sandy bottom, are extremely prolific in the production of Hemp. When the soil is judiciously selected,…