
otsego county news - Page 172


WHALING: And by The Way, Pesticides Still Used On Lakeside Links

LETTER from MICHAEL WHALING And by The Way, Pesticides Still Used On Lakeside Links To the Editor: As spring slowly approaches, golf season will begin and pesticides applied to the Leatherstocking Golf Course on the sloping west shore of Cooperstown’s drinking water source and Susquehanna River headwaters. While this practice has been previously challenged by this writer and others, the Biological Field Station has been silent. Their only comment was: “Nothing was found” in their testing. While this is good…


FLEISHER: Support President? Support Dictator

LETTER from JAY FLEISHER Support President? Support Dictator To the Editor: Have you ever asked why? Why are Trump’s “facts” different from those of experts? Why does he mock and attack journalists who ask tough questions? Why does he encourage radicals to demonstrate? Why does he ignore information from knowledgeable scientists? Why does he want to open the economy before its safe? Why does he surround himself with “yes” men and women? Why can’t he tolerate criticism? Answer these questions…


COLONE: Pandemic Proving: Socialism Only Answer

LETTER from ALBERT COLONE Pandemic Proving: Socialism Only Answer To the Editor: The most important word to define the “Cares Act” is socialism. One thing is for sure, the private sector will not be the source of a post COVID-19 recovery, either in job creation or in providing the source of accompanying funds! Think of it: It wasn’t that long ago that President Trump and his Congressional Republican allies were chastising Democrats for wanting to bring nasty “socialism” to America;…


DUNCAN: Is Mother Nature Telling Us To Rest?

LETTER from R. SCOTT DUNCAN Is Mother Nature Telling Us To Rest? To the Editor: Far away from here, in the Middle Kingdom, a place we know of as China. A little bat dove out of the rafters and took flight. It skimmed along, above the market stalls grabbing up bugs. The bat had no idea that it would do more for nature in a few weeks then all mankind could ever do. It was just being a bat. A…


WELCH: Expecting COVID Will Go Away Is Magical Thinking

LETTER from GERRY WELCH Expecting COVID Will Go Away Is Magical Thinking To the Editor: Authorities seem to believe the coronavirus is going to behave like SARS. Here today and probably gone tomorrow. Magically disappear. They are simply not preparing for the potential long haul, that of the virus again and again rearing its ugly head. They also don’t seem to be willing to think that immunity is gained by surviving the disease. I think out of the box, both…


DEAN: Well-Intentioned Visitors May Spur Rebound In Corinavirus

LETTER from JAMES DEAN Well-Intentioned Visitors May Spur Rebound In Corinavirus To the Editor: The best practice COVID-19 containment plans of Otsego County, and its residents, could be upset to an unknown degree this summer when well intentioned visitors may start coming in from all over the country. That will be the uncontrollable variable that could show up in possible increases of positive local cases, towards the end of the summer, in my view. Contact tracing would seem very difficult…


SCHNEIDER: Coronavirus Extracts Outsized Sacrifices From Small Business

LETTER from FRED SCHNEIDER Coronavirus Extracts Outsized Sacrifices From Small Business To the Editor: So… here is the state of affairs for everyone who chose to create jobs by rolling their dice with their own capital, their own sweat, and their own ingenuity on building a business, only to have it pulled out from underneath them through no fault of their own: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce (not a government entity but a very important pro-business non-profit) recently announced a…


HOMETOWN History May 1, 2020

HOMETOWN History May 1, 2020 135 Years Ago Home & Vicinity – Lewis & Smith, liverymen, are about to supply a long felt want in Oneonta, and one that will prove a great public convenience, having purchased one of the Boston standard cabs, which is to be stationed at some convenient point on Main Street, where it can be secured to make trips to any part of the village at a fare varying from ten to twenty-five cents, according to…


HUGHSON: What Is An Antibody? What Does It Tell Us?

LETTER from SUSAN HUGHSON What Is An Antibody? What Does It Tell Us? To the Editor: In his column of April 23-24 regarding coronavirus testing, Dr. Richard Sternberg refers to “an antibody test which would tell us who is immune to the virus.” It is my understanding that the antibody test indicates an individual’s direct exposure to the virus, with or without symptoms. Whether the presence of these antibodies confers immunity, and for how long, has yet to be determined.…


NORTHRUP: Want To Cut Loose? Try Las Vegas

LETTER from CHIP NORTHRUP Want To Cut Loose? Try  Las Vegas To the Editor: While Otsego County may be in the same Upstate region as Utica, the risk of re-opening Otsego County too soon is far greater than it would be for Utica. Otsego County, particularly Cooperstown, is an international tourist destination; Utica, not so much. While I am all for cautiously re-opening Otsego County, if the tourist industry were allowed to reopen in full, the relatively low number of…

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