
otsego county news - Page 59


Centers Honors Veteran Isolated By Coronavirus

LEGION OF MERIT AWARDED Centers Honors Veteran Isolated By Coronavirus INDEX – As a third-class Petty Officer in the Navy, George McCrea, 84, of Cooperstown, who served four years following the Korean War, from 1956 to 1959. Because of COVID-19, McCrae was unable to participate in Veteran commemorations and had limited visitation on Nov. 11, but the Cooperstown Center inducted him into its Legion of Merit. George has been at Cooperstown Center only since last year.  He reminisces about the…


After 7 Years, Milford Opens First Dog Park

After 7 Years, Milford Opens First Dog Park Rotary, Village, Volunteers Make It Happen The Milford Dog Park & Learning Center was dedicated this evening, and organizer Kimberly Winsor pointed out that couldn’t have happened without another kind of dedication: It took seven years’ effort, a grant from the Milford Rotary Club and volunteers to make the $3,500 project happen.  Among the attendees were, from left, Maximus; his master, Rotary President Alicen Sosnowski, Kimberly Winsor, Bruce Hodges, president, Cooperstown &…


Via Zoom, Chamber Hails Entrepreneurs

OTSEGA HOSTS LIMITED CROWD Via Zoom, Chamber Hails Entrepreneurs In a sign of the times, state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, holds up the Eugene A. Bettiol Jr. Distinguished Citizen Award to the 10 people who, by state regulation, were all who could gather at this evening’s Otsego County Chamber  “Tribute to the Entrepreneurial Spirit”; normally, more than 200 attend The Otesaga gala.  In time of COVID-19, the ceremony was broadcast via Zoom .  Applauding the senator are, clockwise from lower…



LIFE IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 A New Hope On COVID-19 First the good news. Joe Biden has announced his plan for dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. It will include a coordinated national plan of attack and he will be ready on Day 1, Jan. 20, 2021 to implement it. He has already announced his pandemic transition team. Now the bad news. One, Mitch McConnell has said the same thing about Biden that he said about President Obama in 2008,…


Fight Isn’t Partisan; It’s Upstate, Downstate

EDITORIAL Fight Isn’t Partisan; It’s Upstate, Downstate If you’ve lived a while, how often have you heard predictions about the extinction of one party by the other? After Richard Nixon’s rout of George McGovern in 1972 and Ronald Reagan’s two terms, the Democrats. After LBJ overwhelming Goldwater in 1964, Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection and Barack Obama in 2008, Republicans. Only one Democrat was elected president between the end of the Civil War and Woodrow Wilson, 47 years later. Only one…


COVID Rises;  County Asks People, Stay Home

As COVID-19 Cases Rise; County Warns, Stay Home By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to COOPERSTOWN – With 46 cases of COVID-19 already identified in November, Heidi Bond, Otsego County Public Health director, has a warning for residents: If you have symptoms, stay home. “We’re getting lax in thinking that COVID is a possibility,” she said. “You get people thinking it’s the same runny nose they get every fall, and three days later, you lose your sense of taste and…


BASHEAR: Protect Our Gun-Using Traditions

LETTER from CHRISTIAN BASHEAR Protect Our Gun-Using Traditions To the Editor: To express my support of the Second Amendment, I joined the 2AS group here in Otsego County when it was first organized. For far too long, the New York State government has passed more and more insane gun controls without seeming to care at all that they may be unconstitutional infringements to my right to keep and bear arms. I also am sick of the insulting name-calling pro-gun control…


This Week Nov. 12-13, 2020

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta Nov. 12-13, 2020 PHOTO OF THE WEEK FRONT PAGE Under New Plan, SUNY Students Return Feb. 1 COVID Rises;  County Asks People, Stay Home Rockefeller Center Picks 2nd Oneonta Tree Appointing Oberacker Successor Complicated Raging Fire Destroys Antiques-Filled Barn EDITORIALS Fight Isn’t Partisan; It’s Upstate, Downstate LETTERS BROCKWAY: Gun Deaths?  What About DUI, 9/11? FLEISCHER: Much Can Be Expected From Biden BASHEAR: Protect Our Gun-Using Traditions COLUMNS BIDEN: First, Let’s Control…


SEWARD: On 11/11, Remember Corporal Mayne

THE VIEW FROM ALBANY On November 11, Remember Corporal Mayne On Veterans Day, Americans should pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by our veterans. Whether combat veterans or Cold War veterans, all who served need to be given proper praise for a job well done. Our veterans have faced hardships that a non-veteran could never fully understand. Some have faced death in defending our nation’s freedom. Veterans possess the core American values of loyalty, duty, respect, honor, selfless service,…

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