otsego county soil and water conservation district – All Otsego


otsego county soil and water conservation district


Editorial: Otsego Stars Continue To Shine

There are shining stars in every Otsego County community who deserve recognition, whether it be for an award they won, a grant they secured, a project that benefits the public good or simply a good deed on behalf of others. Unfortunately, we can’t list them all here but, more than likely, you know one or two of them yourself. Next time you see them, we hope you’ll say thanks for a job well done.…


Otsego SWCD Back On Track after NYS Comptroller Audit

Following an in-depth audit conducted by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli’s office, the Otsego County Soil and Water Conservation District and its governing board “have been strengthened in ways that are exemplary for any type of organization,” SWCD Board Chair Margaret Kennedy said in a telephone interview on Monday, April 8. “We are right where we need to be,” Kennedy added with assurance. Kennedy, one of two members of the Otsego County Board of Representatives serving on the…


Editorial: Resurrect WQCC, Please

The Otsego County Water Quality Coordinating Committee was established in 1992 as a sub-committee of the Otsego County Soil and Water Conservation District. WQCC membership was ad hoc and open to any agency, organization or individual demonstrating an interest in non-point source water pollution and source water protection.…


Exclosures Help Demonstrate Impact of Deer Overbrowsing

The park has seen a great deal of damage from an exploding population of deer in recent years. As older trees die a natural death, there should be young saplings, one- to five-feet tall, rising to take their place, but overbrowsing destroys many and stunts the growth of others. Hemlock trees look sickly, with few needles left.…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Explore The Galaxy Online 04-23-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, APRIL 23 Explore The Galaxy Online PLANETARIUM – 7 p.m. Explore the universe, learn whats new in the field of astronomy in fun virtual planetarium show with the SUNY staff and Nebula society students. Free, registration on Eventbrite required. Presented by the A.J. Read Science Discovery Center, SUNY Oneonta. 607-436-2011 or visit www.eventbrite.com/o/science-discovery-center-and-planetarium-14332374215…