Otsego County treasurer – All Otsego


Otsego County treasurer


32 Million From $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Headed Our Way

32 Million From $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Headed Our Way Biden Makes Us ‘Whole’, Ruffles Says By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com Ruffles After a year of hemorrhaging losses, the Biden Stimulus Plan will make Otsego County government “whole,” according to County Treasurer Allen Ruffles. “That’s what I would think,” Ruffles said, after reviewing the news he was planning to deliver when the county Board of Representatives met Wednesday, April 7, for its monthly meeting. “It would make us whole.”…


In COVID Year, Leaders Did Step Up

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


County Treasurer DepartingFor Year’s Mission In Africa

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


County Treasurer Crowell Says He Won’t Run Again

County Treasurer Crowell Says He Won't Run Again Dan Crowell COOPERSTOWN – County Treasurer Dan Crowell has announced he won't seek a third term, and will be "whole-heartedly" supporting his deputy, Allen Ruffles, former Key Bank branch manager, for the the job. Crowell said he is considering career options both in the military – he is a captain in the U.S. Army Reserve – and the private sector. Crowell issued this announcement at 12:51 this afternoon: You have reached your limit…