Otsego Land Trust – Page 2 – All Otsego


Otsego Land Trust - Page 2


Talevi: Not Happy with OLT

Ordinarily, I would have loved to have OLT as a neighbor. Believing that OLT holds itself out as an organization dedicated to preserving land in its natural state, I was pleased to have OLT as a neighbor. However, OLT’s conduct, as it affects my enjoyment of my home, has caused me both stress and distress.…


Otsego County Leaders Already Looking Ahead: Part II

The new year is now underway, and Iron String Press continues to reach out to area officials—Otsego County’s movers and shakers—to find out what they are most looking forward to accomplishing in the months ahead. We’ll print their responses this month, as they are received, continuing with the following entities and those at their helm.…