Otsego Rural Housing Assistance – All Otsego


Otsego Rural Housing Assistance


Parties Meet To Consider Uses for, Conservation of Former Boy Scout Camp

An information sheet distributed by Farmer and titled “Crumhorn Communities Hub” stated: Otsego County Conservation Association, Otsego Land Trust, and Otsego Rural Housing Assistance are proposing a multi-faceted project to create an environmental education center, develop a Community Resiliency and Resource Center, and assist underserved community members with health, safety, and energy efficiency repairs on their homes.”…


Cherry Valley senior rental complex celebrates first anniversary

Cherry Valley Senior Rental Complex Celebrates First Anniversary Amid a continuing revival of downtown Cherry Valley, this past week the Alden Park Apartments in Cherry Valley celebrated its first year of full tenancy as an affordable rental housing complex for low-income area senior citizens. Located in the former elementary wing of the old Cherry Valley Central School at 2 Genesee Street, Alden Park Apartments consists of four one-bedroom and six efficiency units. The project was developed with a $1.4 million…


A break for seniors in mobile home parks

A break for seniors in mobile home parks Otsego County seniors who reside in mobile home parks may now be eligible to receive assistance from the Otsego County Office for the Aging and Otsego Rural Housing Assistance (ORHA) for their mobile home repairs.  This assistance is to help older adults (age 60 +) to continue living safely and independently in their homes. It is for home repairs such as roofing, plumbing, electrical and flooring. “New York State offers a number…


County Office for the Aging asks County Board to earmark funds for repairs

County Office for the Aging asks County Board to earmark funds for repairs As the Otsego County Board of Representatives prepares to allot its share of federal aid in January 2022, Office for the Aging Director Tamie Reed proposed allocating money to Otsego Rural Housing Assistance (ORHA) to help repair mobile homes for low-income seniors. ORHA Executive Director Timothy Peters said it would be a good use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds because of the nature of mobile…


10 Rent-Subsidized Apartments Now Available For 62+ Tenants

Back To the Old School 10 Rent-Subsidized Apartments Now Available For 62+ Tenants By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com CHERRY VALLEY – A high point for Richard Saba was the teen café, where up to 130 young people would gather at the old Cherry Valley High School to create art and play music. “It expanded their cultural landscape,” said Saba, himself a noted artist, who has been involved in reinventing the 1913 former central school here since he helped co-found…


Worcester Man, Paralyzed At 11, Moves Into Dream Home At 31

STATE FUNDING MAKES DREAM COME TRUE Worcester Man, Paralyzed At 11, Moves Into Dream Home At 31 By CHRYSTAL SAVAGE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com Paralyzed after a farming accident when he was 11, James Scofield, now 31, says he values patience, accessibility and independence above all else. Now, he can enjoy all those things in his new, fully customized and accessible single-wide, set back off Mooney Road, framed by forest trees, courtesy of Otsego Rural Housing Assistance (ORHA). The lifelong…


Twice As Many Countians Say Homes In Bad Shape v. Good

Twice As Many Countians Say Homes In Bad Shape v. Good COOPERSTOWN – An online survey of 374 Otsego County people released today found twice as many say their home are in bad shape vs. “excellent” shape. The survey, by the county Planning Department and Otsego Rural Housing Assistance, found 14 percent of respondents believe their homes are “excellent”; 27.6 percent ranked their homes as “poor” or “needs immediate attention.” More than half of respondents (58 percent) rated their homes…