Palestine – All Otsego




Webb: Nelson Op-ed Was Courageous

In a fashion similar to Zola’s, Wriley Nelson presented a panorama of troubling facts and realities that have resulted in deadly and seriously excessive injustice toward Palestinians. Tragically, all too many people, seemingly in the interest of being somehow “correct” and “empathic,” choose to overlook and/or deny those injustices, and they condemn those who might want to recognize and respond to them.…


Garfield: Nelson Should Self Reflect

Mr. Nelson may have stood opposed to the birth of Israel had he been alive in the year it was founded, but that is now history and cannot be undone. By continuing to hold this fanatic rejection of historical fact, Mr. Nelson places himself firmly in the company of the rapists and murderers of Hamas who attacked Israeli civilians one year ago.…


Delgado, Wife To Join Delegation Meeting Israel, Palestine Leaders

NETANYAHU, ABBAS ON ITINERARY Delgado, Wife To Join Delegation Meeting Israel, Palestine Leaders Congressman Antonio Delgado, D-19, and his wife Lacey Schwartz Delgado will join 41 House Democrats, led by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, on travel to Israel and the West Bank, Delgado’s office announced today. The Delgados are raising their two sons in the Jewish faith, said the father, “grounding them in an understanding of respect for all religions and with a deep appreciation for Jewish history and…